You deserve much worst, asshole

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Justin pov

"WHAT!?!?!?!" I heard in the back of the room. I turned around and saw Riley on the phone, on the verge of crying. I have never seen Riley cried and I wasnt planning on it either.  She ran out of the room with streams of tears running down her face.  I got up from my desk and chased after her.

"What happened?"

" Nothing just let go."

"Riley, you can tell me."

" I have to go. Please let me go. I have to see him"  She said tears streaming down her face.

"See who? What happened?"

"Please just let me go. He needs me. I cant lose him Justin. Please"

"Okay but I'm driving you"

 When I parked the car She ran into the hospital as fast as she could, while I was right on Her tail.

"Cameron Watson" She said to the receptionist.


"I'm his mother"

What! Riley is a mother? Where is the father?" Who is father? I didnt think she was a mother. She is only 17.

"fourth floor, 6 room to the left"

I walked out of the elevator and saw Riley on the floor sobbing. I looked through the glass window and saw her son. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her off the ground. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Ms. Watson?"

"Your son Cameron,  had an allergic reaction. He was at his daycare and supposedly another kid gave him some peanut butter. He is in anaphylactic shock right now. And there is a possibility he wont wake up." Dr. Ravel said.

"are you saying...."

He nodded his head. "I'm very sorry" He said

"Can we see him" I asked, keeping a firm hold on Riley.

I noticed Riley's hesitation.

"It's going to be okay Riley. I'm here." I said.

"What if he never wakes up. I cant live without him too." She said as more tears streaming down my face.

"Riley he's going to wake up. He needs you right now, don't let your fear hold you back".

"Thank you, Justin. I really needed that"

"Its fine" I said before turning around and walking away.

"Wait!"I turned around.  "Can you stay with me? Just for tonight at least."

"What about your parents or Mike" I asked curiously

"They don't know about Cameron."

"What about his dad"

"He was only around for 3 weeks" What kind of father dose that? How can they do that to Cameron, or Riley?

"OK i'll stay"


"Yeah now come on. "

I looked at Cameron on the bed as we entered.  I realized he looked just like Riley. Their cheekbones, nose, head shape. The only difference is his hair and he has freckles.

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