We were until i saw him sucking faces with that hoe

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Riley pov

"um Sorry" I said to Justin before I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I said.



"Im sorry ,but Gandma is in the hospital right now."

"no, you're lying."

"Im not."

"She cant."

"I know it's hard sweetie but this is life......They said she has cancer and-"

"I have to go" I couldnt take it anymore. Everything was just happening to fast. I hung up my phone and wiped the tears off my face. I turned around and put a fake smile on my face ,so he wouldnt get worried.

"Who was that?"

"My dad"

"What did he want"



"STOP. Justin, just stop. I dont want to be questioned right now."


" Just......I think it's best if you leave"

"No. Riley you need someone right now. Im not going to leave you."

"No Justin What i need right now is for you to leave. I just want to be alone with my son, please"


I watch him walk out the door. I didnt want him to leave, but I just neededto be by my self.

"Why? Why now? Why them?" I whispered to myself. Letting tears fall out from my eyes. "Please wake up baby. Mommy needs you right now. I want to see your bright smile and you beautiful light brown eyes. I promise i'll buy you ice cream and then we can go to the park. Come on baby, I need you."

"Hey Riley" I looked up and saw Mel and Lil. I couldnt help but to cry when I saw them. They ran over to me and wrapped their arms around me.

"It's going to be okay baby girl. He is going to wake up. He is strong. I mean he does get it from his mother." Lilly said lightening the mood. I only chuckled.

"how did you guys know I was here?" I asked through my sobbs

"Justin told us. He said you needed us and you were in the hospital. We asked the receptionist and she said you were with Cameron Watson. We didnt know who he was ,so we asked the relationship is with you two and she said you were his mother. At first it took us a while but then we got to think."

"Im sorry I didnt tell you guys. I just thought you would look at me differently "

"We will never look at you differently Ry"

We broke out of the hug and just watching Cameron sleeping. After awhile of silence Lilly broke it.

"Do you know when he will wake up?"

I nodded my head "They....they dont even know if....." I couldnt finish. Who could?

"Is Marcus the father?"'


"Where is he" Melody asked.

"probably fucking Kat in the janitors closet about now"

"Wait I thought you guys were together"

"We were until i saw him sucking faces with that hoe"

"How old is he?" Melody asked changing the subject.

"He is 2 turning 3 next Friday"

"Who was he with this whole time?"

"Grandma M"

"What's going to happen now" Melody asked after awhile.

"When Cameron wakes im going to tell everyone.......But can you be with me when I tell them. I could really need the comfort."

"Of course"

"Thanks. I dont know what I would do with out you guys"

"No problem, but you know who should know first before everyone else?"



"Yeah. Um do you guys mind asking him to come here?"


--------------------------------10 minutes later------------------------------

"Hey Ronnie" I said as I saw him walking towards the entrance of the hospital.

"Why did you need to meet here?"

"Because I want you to see someone."

"Oh ok" He said about to walk in but I stopped him.

"I have to tell you something first. But you have to promise me not to look at me different, okay"


"I have a son" I blurted out.

"You What?!?!"

"I have a son. He is 2 turning 3 next Friday. And I didnt tell you because I thought you would look at me differently. Please dont hate me"

"Riley I could never hate you" He said hugging me. "But why are we at a hospital" That's when the tears started coming again.

"He had an allergic reaction and is in a comna right now. They dont know when or if he will wake up Ron. I dont know what I will do with out him. And worst of all Grandma M has cancer. I cant lose both of them" I cried on his shoulder.

"Hey, listen to me Ry. You not going to lose them. They are strong, they will get through it. It will just take some time."

I nodded "you right"

"I know. So when am I going to meet..."

"Cameron, and Now" I said taking his hand.

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