Lets dance

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Riley pov

"Riley I can take care of him while you and your friends party"

"Uhh.... I...Cant"

"And why cant you?"

"Because what if something happens again. I cant have that. I just got him back."

"Don't worry nothing will happen. I'll will watch him."

"Umm......yeah.Ok. Just let me write down things you need to know"

"And what would that be?"

"His allergies, his likes, his dislikes."

"He is allergic to peanuts, cats, and coconut. He hates carrots, peas, vanilla, basketball,the color orange, and-"

"Ok, Mom I got it you already know"

"Right, now got get ready before times up."

"But I only have less than an hour to get ready"

"Don't worry I already have Sam and Scott on the way."

"Ah mom you're the best" I said giving her a bear hug.

"I know I am"

"Conceded or not" We laughed

---------------------------------------------------------------------30 minutes later---------------------------------------------------

                        In the time being the finished 10 minutes early. I was wearing a tight navy blue dress that reaches the middle of my thigh, and has long sleeves. Sam did a smokey eye look and curled my hair. It took awhile but Scott let me wear my black high-tops. Scott put silver hoops and a thin silver chain on me. I looked hot tonight.

                         I was tying my right shoe when the doorbell rung. I ran down the stairs while pulling my dress down so my butt doesn't show. When I reached the door to my surprise my mom answered the door. She never answers the door, she always lets the maids get it. My eyes flew passed her and landed on Justin. He was wearing a dark blue v-neck with his leather jacket and jeans. His hair was messy like he just got out off bed. I want to just take him right there but my mom was there.

"ok you two have fun. And don't do anything I wouldn't do"

"Which is?" I joked

"Oh shut up and get going" My mom said with a smile on her face.

We got into his black Ferrari enzo. I sat down on the red leather seats. It was really clean in here and smelled like axe ( the body spray) and cigarettes. I didn't know he smokes. 

"You look beautiful tonight" 

"You look......okay tonight" I lied with a smirk on my face.

"Please babe, I know you wanted to jump me right in front of your mom. You were practically drooling."

"I was not" I said while I smacked him on the shoulder.

"Damn girl you have an arm. That really hurt"

"Well im not just good looks and brains.What can I say?"

"What am I going to do with you?" He mumbled


                When we arrived it was like you average high school party. Red solo cups laying around. People drunk, making out, dancing, or throwing up. Drinking games around the house. Just another Typical party. Justin took my hand and led me to the kitchen where the drinks were at. He handed me a cup which I took almost instantly. I chug the whole drink in a matter of seconds. I looked around to see if I can find any of our friends but found no one. Then my song came on. I looked at Justin and grabbed his hand.

"lets dance. this is my song."

I led him to the middle of the dance floor. I put my back to his chest and started swaying my to the beat. He put his hands on my hips to pull me closer if that was possible. I turned around to come face to face with Justin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head down a little. Our lips brushed against each others when suddenly he was yanked from my arms. I looked at who threw him and of course it had to him the devil him self. 

"What the hell" I yelled at him

"Stay away from my girlfriend" He said ignoring me

"Last time I check she is my girlfriend while you were to busy fuck Kat."

"listen bud but you don't know anything"

"Actually I do. I know that you left Riley when she need you the most, you're the so call bad boy of the school, and you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself."

Then like in a flash Marcus had Justin on the ground. Marcus punch Justin in the face then Justin rolled them over so he was on top of Marcus.

"Stop. Please stop."

Justin stop to look at me, when he saw my face his eyes soften. But before anything could happen Marcus flipped them over again.

"Marcus get off of him. Stop"

                         He wouldn't stop and i knew he would kill Justin. No one bother to help they just watched. So I did the only thing I could think of. I kicked him. I kicked as hard as i could in the gut. He rolled off of Justin and on the ground. I walked towards Marcus and knelled down so my lip was near his ear. 

"If you ever do that again I swear to go you will regret it. Remember what I could do. I will not be afraid to do it to you. Stay away from my friends, Family, and stay away from me. Cause I want nothing to do with you. For all I care you can go to hell." I said 

                        I stood up and kicked him one last time in the ribs and walked over to Justin. I helped him up and walked him to the car. I put him in the passengers seat then walked over to the drivers side.  I drove to my grandma's house, so I know no one will bother us. I parked the car in the drive way and help Justin to the living room. 

"I will be right back"

I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I grab the first aid kit and ran back downstairs to Justin. I took a cotton ball and  pour rubbing alcohol on it. 

"Thanks" Justin said

"Its the least I could do. I mean you did get beat up" I chuckled


"Yeah" I said looking at him in the eyes

"Why did you keep going back to him?"

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