' Love in a game'

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People started to mumble. Talking to there friends.

" If your health bar goes down to 0, your avatar will be deleted and the nerve gear will send out a high output scan on your brain, killing you,"

The moment I heard those words, my heart stopped. I stared at him. Speechless.I was filled with so much anger.

" HOW COULD YOU!" i screamed at the silhouette in the sky.

People started looking at me and then turned back and started screaming in agreeance.

" but there is 1 way to get out," he started saying

" you have to get to the 100th level and defeat the boss, good luck and don't let your health bar drop below 0, goodbye."

After that the silhouette turned into blood again and left. People started to panic, I saw a boy leave. I decided to leave too, soon all the money and the XP would be gone from the fields here so I decided go to the fields in other towns further out.

As I ran tears started to stream from my eyes. What would I do if, if I did die?


It has been a 2 weeks now and already 2000 people have died. All I could think about was getting back to the real world.

I went to a meeting about defeating the first level boss. There were about 20 people there.

" Ok everyone, thank you for coming. First we will be going to the dungeon in 2 days, so be prepared. Second I want you in pairs or groups, thats all for now. meet here in 2 days at the break of dawn." said the man who was organising this whole thing.

I think his name was Rogue. I looked around for someone to pair up with, as I turned and look I saw the boy from the town of beginnings. He looked like he was pairing up with another person but I will ask anyway.

" H-hey, do you wanna join my party?" I asked nervously

He looked up at me and then looked at the person wearing the hood. The person nodded.

" Sure if you don't mind 2 of us," he replied with a smile

I smiled back and said " sure,"

After the meeting we decided to all eat together. We went into town and looked for a tavern. Once we found one we sat down and ordered.

" Well i'll start, Hi my names Kirito, and im 14, its nice to meet you." said the black haired boy.

I guess i will go next " Hi im Sakura and I am also 14, its nice to meet you Kirito."

Kirito and I both looked at the hooded person

" i-im Asuna and im 15, its nice to meet you Kirito and Sakura," said the hooded person

Both me and Kirito said " Nice to meet you Asuna,"

I then looked over at Kirito and he looked over at me, he gave a grin and when I saw that I started Blushing. Before he saw I look away. After a second or two our meals came. We ate and talked. It started getting late so we all decided to find an inn.

" Hey," Asuna started

" maybe we should stay in the same room, it would save us all money,"

" sure, why not," said Kirito

They both look at me, I nodded in agreeance. We all walked out of the tavern and headed for a near Inn. Once we were there we ask for a 3 bedded room.

" ah, im sorry but the only room we have is one with a single and double, would you like that one?" asked the Inn owner.

We all looked at each other.

" Yes please," said Asuna to the owner

She then turned to Kirito and I. Gave a grin and said

" I'm on the single, I guess that means you two are on the double,"

Asuna took the key from the owner and ran to our room. I stared at her as she ran, so did Kirito. I then turned to look at him, our eyes meet. Both our faces turned red. I looked away and started to walk he was following close behind.

Kirito and I walked in the room, Asuna had already fallen asleep on the single bed. So I went and sat on the double.

" So Kirito, where do you live in the real world?" I asked

" I live in Tokyo, how about you?" he asked

" I live in Tokyo aswell," I replied

I layed down on my back, and closed my eyes. I heard Kirito's foot steps, then I felt the bed shift. I openned my eyes and turned my head, Kirito had lied down. I rolled over facing him, he also turned and faced me. I gave a smile then closed my eyes. Before I fell asleep Kirito took my hand. Held it then we both drifted off to sleep.


Thank you guys so much for reading. I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter. There will be more to come.

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