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I ran into Rains house. I pushed into her room and hugged her. She sat up and rubbed my head. She knew exactly what happened. She didn't need to ask. "fuck him" she whispered and played with my hair. "He says he's not ready to be a dad." Rain doesn't say anything but keeps playing with my hair. I lay on the couch and don't wake up till the next morning. I sit up and feel a wave of sadness that Austin isn't next to me. I touch my stomach. "I left the pregnancy test and my other clothes and phone charger at Austin's." The baby doesn't answer obviously. I wake up Rain and tell her i'm going to Austin's. She told me it wasn't a good idea. "Let me go for you" I looked down at the stomach. "okay. yeah" I say. I give her my car keys and she gets up and puts on leggings. "I'll be right back" She hugged me and left.
RAINS P.O.V (point of view)
I get in the car and start crying. Austin was the best thing that ever happened to taylor and he fucking hurt her. "I hate him" I yelled and banged on the steering wheel. I drove to his house and cleaned my face up. I got up and knocked on the door. Austin came to the door with a drink in his hand. "Rain" he slurred. I walked past him and went to search for Tays stuff. "What are you doing at my house?" He was obviously drunk. "i'm getting Taylor's things." Austin sat down and started to cry. "We broke-we broke up" he cried. "I know. because you said you weren't ready to be a dad." Austin sat up. He wiped his eyes and kept drinking. "Yeah" he mumbled. I grabbed her phone charger and found a note. It was to tay from Austin. I picked it up and took it. He was to drunk to notice. I put all her stuff in a bag and looked around the room. Taylor must have broke the lights and ripped some things. I turned to face Austin. "You really broke her. If you don't want too lose her you better get your ass up and go talk to her." He didn't say anything. "You're the love of her life Austin." He started crying harder. "She's the love of my life but I can't be a dad." I shake my head and know he's made up his mind. "bye Austin" I say and drive back to my house. I open the door and Taylor is crying on the couch. "He still loves you" I say and sit next to her. "I know" she cried harder. Adam texted me. He said Austin is drunk and won't stop drinking. He said Austin won't stop crying. I stood up. "do you want to go talk to him?" I ask and wait to see what her face looks like. Her eyes are beet red and her face is puffy. "Yes" she whispers. "I'll drive you. You don't need to be driving like this." She let's me hold her hand and lead her to the car. We get to Austin's house with saying nothing on the way. "Do you want me to go in or stay in the car" I wanted to do whatever was most helpful too her. "Stay" she said. Then cried harder. "Don't count on me to stay a little longer" I knew what she was doing. She was thinking of his song. "It's okay love bug. Go in there." She stood out of the car and wiped her face. She blew me a kiss and that was it.

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