Chapter 12

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A/N weeeeee an update i hope u guys are excited because when i started writing this it was definitely 11 o clock pm and i had to wake up in 6 hours ugggggghhh anyway, comments are VERY appreciated!!! U have no idea .....i try to respond to every one and i love to read the dirty comments u leave cuz lets be honest we ALL leave those ... he he.....Oh my gerard I'm rambling agggh well here ya go enjoy <3

Franks POV

He scrambled away from my touch, like my hands brought him physical pain. Tears prick my eyes, hurt, thats the thing i am consumed by, a feeling that starts out in the pit of my stomach and webs out to the rest of my being, making me feel physical pain from the hurt Gerard caused me simply by declining my touch.

I succumb to my tears and huddle myself in the corner of my room, The alcohol slowly dissipates, ridding its intoxicating buzz from my body, with all the anxiety and stress of the night i begin to hyper ventilate, my breathing sputtered and broken.

I feel a hand on my back, rubbing calm circles into my shoulder blades. I continue to cry, tears making their way from my eyes and dripping off my chin and into the puddle of liquor that pools beneath my hands.

I feel arms snake around my torso and I'm being picked up bridal style. I bury my face into Gerard's shirt, breathing in his familiar scent, a mixture of coffee and cigarettes. I snuggle into him and he coos reassuringly in my ear. I am gently placed on my bed and i feel the warmth of my blankets encompass me.

I snuggle myself into the comforting fabric and i feel the mattress underneath me bow with added weight and creak as Gerard shifts onto his side. Gerard methodically runs his hands through my hair and i grunt in pleasure. I feel his lips ghost against my forehead, "i love you Frankie, even though we are so different and we aren't together anymore i will always love you." He says, his voice cracking, the most heart shattering sound in the world, the sound of someone, no, my baby, Gerard, about to cry.

"No, Gerard, baby i....."

He silences me, "its okay Frankie, i understand, I'm too broken for you anyway, too much death plagues me, you will inevitably meet a tragic end around me." he chuckles darkly, "i thought i wasn't a monster, but it turns out I'm barbaric enough to..." He stops and shakes his head, banishing his thought "never mind"

I was about to nod off and go to sleep when i feel the bed shift and spring back up, signaling the departure of Gerard, and not even the blankets that surround me could mend the coldness Gerard left behind on my bed.


A/N okay okay I'm a terrible person...haven't updated in a but and when i do i give u this shit... I'm an awful person aren't i? okay so i seriously need those people for Gerard's friends cuz that chapter is coming up and i need 2 people so if u haven't, go back a few chapters and guess...seriously pls do...u get like a chapter dedicated to you yadda yadda anyway hope u enjoyed *blows a kiss before you go* goodbye my potatoes <3

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