Chapter 7: I leave for 5 days and I come back and my best friend is Gay

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I woke up to snuggling Tristan in my arms. i felt my phone buzz. And it kept buzzing, that is probably what woke me up. I have to lean on Tris a little to get to my back pocket...we didn't end up changing after we came in we didn't-. WAIT A SECOND! THIS WASN'T HERE WHEN WE FELL A SLEEP! There was a blanket on top of us. I wonder how that came to be. But other thought came to mind when my phone was a Non-stop buzzing. I finally get it while getting so moans for Tris in this sleep. "Go back you sleep love" I said, but of course he somehow managed to turn around facing me but he was still asleep. So I rap my arms around him as I go on my phone. I check all the basics...twitter, messages, and facerange. I go on facerange last because I spend the most time on it. I check on my home page, it's a bunch of people who I have no idea who they are, but I follow them anyway. So I scroll down till I start seeing pictures from that party Frankie went to, that's when I find my real friends.
Zoë: status update; hanging out with the best... [insert picture of Zoë and Maya]
"Weird" I said to my self being cautious of the sleeping bear next to me not to wake him up. Winston at a convention last night, normal, zig is cooking some fancy dish, all the normal. It's now when I get bored so I go under some of Tristan's pictures and stalk his girl named Tori that's in a lot of pictures with him. So what I got out of this is that she went to degrassi, moved, now lives an hour and a half away, and...dated zig?!? How with that guy? I went over to my account to post a status update, but I had no idea what to post...but something huge in my life just happened. No I'm not coming out on facerange... But- I typed in some else just as equal. I heard Tristan groan as his eyes open. I immediately kiss him a good morning kissing, when we moved away from each other Tristan let out a mutter.
"Oh, nice things to be woken too"
"Ya it was nice to be wake up next to you"
"I'm home" I heard Frankie say. "Awww you two look adorable, Winston, baby, aren't they the cutest thing."
Winston. Winston was here, shit....I haven't talk to that kid- ummm when was? Oh ya that night he make out with my little sister half naked. Yup, that was some night. Frank walked in with a coffee in her hand and and a two bags, Winston following behind. I look back at Tristan, and he could read my mind saying that I was uncomfortable in the situation he was put in. Just then I heard a click. Tristan turns around so he's not facing me, but Frankie and Winston. Frankie had her canon rebel 3ti, a professional camera, that she takes everywhere, pointed at us..."perfect! oh, food..." She then rusted to the smell in the kitchen to whatever or whoever was making it. Winston then came over and sat on the coffee table careful not to tip over the pot of flowers Tristan "gave" to me.
"Okay what's going on?"
"What you mean?" Playing dumb with him, because it's really funny watching flip out when no knows what he's talking about.
"THIS" he said waving his hands at us.
"Ohhhhh, this!" I said lifting my hand from Tris and waving it, then put back where it belonged on Tris"we're cuddling" I said with a smile in a way that I was, well, I wasn't avoiding it, but not saying what he wanted us to confess.
"Are you too dating?" He asked straight forward.
"Well that's pretty straight forward question to be asking about something our relationship..." Tristan and I both laughed at my stupid joke.
"Yes Winston, we are dating." Tristan finally said while I was still trying to breathe after that joke I said.
After that Winston mumbled something, I think he was saying 'I leave for 5 days and I come back and my best friend is gay'. Tristan sat up from me and I moan.
"What sleepy pants?"
"I just want you to stay with me a little bit longer..."
"Miles it's 11:30, it's time to get up..." I didn't realize till now how late we slept into, I mean, i sleep in all the time, just in this room I always wake up earlier. Just then Tristan got a text, I could tell because it was still that annoying ring tone, it sounded like a clowns horn. He kept it just to annoyed me. I hated clowns, the scared the shit out of me... One time me Winston and Carter went trick or treating together in 6th grade and we went to this one guys house and he had someone hiding and went he jumped out at us, He was wearing a creepy clown suit, I was so scared that I ran INTO the guys house. I then realized that I RAN INSIDE A STRANGERS HOUSE... I then apologized was so humiliating, and, of course, Winston and Carter were laughing their asses off. [end of flash back, just so you know] He was still siting on couch catching up on what he missed in the past 13-hours that he had been asleep for. I was half back to sleep when Tristan spook.
"I like your new status update babe."
"You do?" I said sleepy
"Ya I do." he said leaning on top of me (as if he was a blanket, a/n: that's how I think of it :/ ), that woke me up
"Miles Hollingsworth III status update: in a amazing relationship"
I smiled at him "you like?"
"Well you did say amazing..."
I kissed him softly on the lips. But, of course, like always we were interrupted with a male voice yelling felling for the kitchen"boys breakfast"
I was really confused because Hunter was the only guy home- wait? Dad? No way, he doesn't cook. I don't think he even knows what a microwave is. Tristan sat up from on top of me and pulled me up.
"Come on big boy" he said groaning pulling me up "food awaits"
We walk into the kitchen to see my dad cooking, it wasn't anything special, just bacon and eggs.
"Good morning" dad said
"Morning?" I sad very confusedly
"Okay, eggs will be done any minute." He said that while moving the eggs around "also, if Tristan sleeps over, you two must be in the family room" (also known as the tv room) "we don't want to be walking in on anything." He said with a grin on his face, though I can tell that this does hurt him a lot. But he's putting a smile on for me, so don't tell what he is really thinking.
"Hey where's mom?" Frankie said as she sat at the table.
"Aunt Aroua's, she'll be there for a few days" there was a little bit of silence between all of us.
"SO YOUR STUCK WITH ME!" Dad said to try to brake the silence in a fun way to make my laugh...a little. Tristan's phone rang so he left the kitchen to answer, looking a little annoyed at who the caller Id is. I grabbed a coffee and waited to hear a "okay bye" till I walked over to him.
"What's wrong?" I could see the disappointed look on his face.
"Owen wants me home for some reason, I guess. He's mad at me for something"
"Is it that you stayed the night?"
Tristan slapped his phone in his hand "no, he's fine with that...I don't know. But I have to go babe, bye" he kissed me on the check and left.
I went back into the kitchen where I sat down with my food with everyone. This rarely happens, mostly because dad need to eat in the office, or mom has friends over, or we just don't. It's nice to all sit together.
"So Winston" my dad broke the silence "are you coming to the election party?"
Frankie and Winston exchanged looks "ummm ya, I am"
"What about Tristan?"
"Tristan coming?" Hunter asked
"Ya, he said he would love to come. Why you say that Hunter?"
"No reason" he said with a blank expression on his face.
After we finished breakfast Frankie was going to showing Hunter and Winston pictures for her party. She wanted me to come to but I already seen a lot of them already so I passed and texted Carter about my night last night. She was really happy and excited for me and told me to text her EVERYTHING that happened that night, but told me to keep some parts pg. I was in the middle of telling her what happened when we went inside when I heard:
"Oh my god." From Frankie that grabbed my attention and then Winston yelled to me "MILES? I think you might want to see this" I walk in the kitchen to see Frankie with her hand on her face, Hunter with a worried look, and Winston looking at me like how he looked when something bad happens, scared. I went over to the laptop where facerange was opened on 'Degrassi Gossip Blog' and there was a picture.
Of me and Tris
From last night
Before we heard the crash
Of us kissing
Up for the world to see
I just stood there for a minute unable to move, didn't read the the caption yet, but Winston could tell that so he read it out load for me: I was walking out side yesterday for a causal walk when I saw something catch my eye at the Hollingsworth house. I take a closer look and saw sophomore Miles Hollingsworth iii, and Tristan Milligan sharing a kiss. Now a kiss wouldn't be the best way to describe it, more like a make out section. Now don't get me wrong, this wasn't a one time thing! I had a little birdy spot them on a date (?) at the park. Not to mention I think they are dating right now based on Miles's new status update on "in a amazing relationship". Thats all I got today, you know you can always trust me with the truth on degrassi number one gossip facerange!
I was shocked.
Unable to move.
I couldn't believe This was happening.
I grabbed my phone and text Tristan telling him to answer his phone. I called 3 times both got straight to voice mail, his phone must have been off. I as freaking out...I wasn't ready for all of this attention. I just wanted to be us for a little while. Now everyone at school knows.
Winston's pov: just then Miles fell to the ground.
Hey guys, shorty this has been a while. But school has started up and it's hard to keep up with everything. Ya'll are loving my story but I did get a few messages on tumblr ask why Miles said I love you so fast in the relationship, if you think about it, they have been bestfriends for a while, so it wouldn't take long for them to fall in love. and also don't automatically think that Miles fainted, he could have pasted out because he was a disease that no one knows about, or he could some special gift where he can talk to the dead? Idk, but also something happened between last halter ant this one...someone got 1k views, I'm so happy! That you all love ya!
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