Part 11: Mr hegarty gets soapy... again...

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"hi guys, mr hegarty here. so, I sent you all some hegarty instant cams so i didn't have to keep sending all these blogy things. i think that it worked quite well, as a matter of fact.

Well, as you all know, i am at war with the queen of england and her mighty commander, shrek the GREEN. she also has elon musk-eeto, mincraft steve and levi roots on her team. i have peppa pig, boss baby, sanic, some random numbers (foot soldiers) and until recently, mario and big chungus. however, mario was slain by sansfeild, and big chungus was defeted by the garfeild chronicals + sans (uuuuuuuuuuuu).

and as you also all know, i am battling the queen because she holds the key to the Thanos car, and i want it because i am going to use it to bully thanos and we all know how i just love to bully thanos (no subject no. 5). anyway, so big chungus was defeted. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??????????


i thought that big chungus could destroy garfeild, quaker oats guy, all 658936538563501675670654657465743 nesses and guido. i guess sans must have helped them allot.


a ha!!! nesses attack by spaming there enimys with pk fire. so, if if i convert there 7b72 binary data with a pk water monfiner and 3.14 equabence and (this space is where hegarty goes in an unresnable depth into advanced cpy67 and pie x12 equasions that we really don't need to read. bacicly, he says that if you add pk water to his troops, ness pk fire will not efect them).

so, yes that is what i shall do!!! yes, this will work perfectly.

bwuhahahahaha bwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!



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