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"That was really good!" Zane smiles at Jordan and I.

"We need to fix the..." Jordan drifts off, out of breath. 

We had run the dance three times back to back.

Not only that, but had a burtal warm up.

It was exhausting. 

"There is nothing to fix" Zane chuckles "It's perfect" 

Jordan and I look at each other and shrug. 

"Take five" Zane states. 

"Thank you" We say, walking out. 

We both collapse on the ground.

"You two look like you could use some water" Daniel laughs. 

"You have no idea" I shake my head, sitting up and excepting the water. 

I drain the water down and lay back down. 

"Jeez" Daniel says, his eyes wide. 

"Zane has been putting everyone through hell this week" Ryan shrugs. 

The junior and senior team were the only people here today, besides the football team, and they were in a ballet class. 

"I heard that his girlfriend broke up with him" Pasley explains. 

"Aw, Poor Zane" I frown. 

Jordan was laying on the floor half asleep but nods in agreement. 

The door to studio A opens and the football team walks out, sitting down by their stuff and grabbing water.

"What's with you two?" Justin asks, nodding at Jordan and I. 

"Duet rehearsul, No. Torture session" I state. 

"Our duet isn't even that fast, we have time to think about stuff, it was the warm up that got us" Jordan explains. 

"I thought you were doing a duet with Mason" Will says. 

"I was suposed to, But Mrs. Hanna cut it and switched my partner to Jordan" I explain. 

Wills jaw clentches "Oh" 

"Yeah, I've seen it!" Pasley smiles "It looks amazing!"

"The chemestry is crazy" Ryan nods. 

"Thanks!" Jordan smiles, Putting his arm around me "It's not like we've known each other for forever" 

I laugh "Dork" 

The junior team walks out of group rehearsul and smiles. 

"Hey!" Sophie says. 

I smile and wave at her, Kendal going over to sit by Will, Who was eyeing Jordan and I.

I furrow my eyebrows but ignore it. 

"I'll be back" Will says bluntly, walking out of the room. 

Okay then...

"Jordan, Av-" Zane cuts himself off, coming out of the studio and seeing everyone in the room "Okay...Jordan, Ava lets run it again" 

We nod, getting up and going into the studio. 

I grab my notebook prop and take my first position. 

The music starts and Jordan makes his way over to me. 

The whole dance I couldn't get my mind off of Will. 

Why did he get so awkward after he found out about the duet with Jordan?

And he walked out, Why?

I had a lot of questions. 

The music ends and Jordan and I stand in our ending pose. 

"Perfect! It's totally ready for next weeked!" Zane smiles. 

He high fives us both and dissmisses us. 

When we walk out of the studio everyone was gone. 

Mrs. Hanna apears in the Studio A doorway, signalling us to go with her. 

We change into jazz shoes and join our team in the studio. 

The football team was sitting at the front of the room while the junior team was in their starting possitions for the group dance. 

Paige tosses me my cane and I take my starting position. 

Our dance was called freakshow. It was a twisted circus dance.

We all had different acts. 

I was the ringleader, And the boys were my assistents, We were all going to have ringleader costumes. 

Kendal was the acrobat, She was the best at acro out of all of us. 

Faith was a clown, But not a happy one, a creepy one.

And Makayla and Sophie were the siamese twins.

The song was a mix between carousel my melanie martinez and ciruse my Britney spears.

I had a lot of partner work with the boys in this dance. 

While we were preforming it I couldn't help but look over at Will. 

Whenever I would do something with the boys, his eyes would tear away from us.

We ended the dance and looked over at Mrs. Hanna. 

"There are just a few things" 

Mrs. Hanna continues to tell us corrections, us having to re-do some parts of the dance. 

Once we were dismissed we all made our ways to the dressing room. 

I didn't have a private today so I had to wait for Paige to be done to drive me home

I slid on some competition Sweatpants, and throw on my studio jacket. 

I change out of my jazz shoes and put some uggs on, sitting down and pulling my phone out. 

Everyone heads out the door except Will.

He tries walking past me without a word, but I grab his wrist. 

"Hey, Are you okay?" I ask.

"Just peachy" He smiles.

"Faker" I pout "You just kinda stormed out earlier, I'm just making sure you're okay" 

"I said I'm fine, Now if you will excuse me, I have somewhere to be" He snaps, yanking his wrist out of my grip "See you, princess" 

He storms out of the room and I sit there shocked. 

That was...weird. 

"Ready to go?" Paige smiles, peaking into the room. 

"Y-yeah" I shake my head and stand up, grabbing my bag and following Paige out. 

We climb into her car and start our way to my house. 

I look out the window at the falling Snow and sigh. 

"You okay?" Paige asks. 

"Yeah, It's just- Never mind" I state. 

"No. tell me" Paige insists. 

"Okay" I sit criss cross, and look over at her "After duet practice with Jordan, we were sitting in the dressing room and when I explained that we had just got done with the duet, Will was acting weird, then he stormed out, and then when we ran the group dance, every time I did a trick with the boys, he would look away, Just now he snapped at me, And he hasn't done that for a while" 

Paige nods "Huh" 

"Weird, Right?" I ask, laying my head on the seat and looking back out the window. 

"Maybe he's jealous" Paige laughs. 

I scoff a little. 

William Sanders jealous? Funny. 

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