Chapter 6 The Devil you know

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A/n: I know I don't usually do this, but even I am torn with my whole story arc. Here are my questions for you:

Should this take on a supernatural turn?

Do you want to see many points of view? Such as seeing what Max is thinking, and what the "voice" is thinking as well?

I'd like to update as soon as possible, but I need these answers from you the reader, not because I'm stuck. I am not stuck. I only want to know so that I can give you all the best experience possible.

Will this have smut? The answer to that question is an undeniable, yes. I'm quite experienced in that department. Part of Michael's story is my own.


The rest of the week went by and I managed to avoid him at every turn. If I ever saw someone that looked like him, I would turn in the other direction. Despite this causing me some inconvenience or being late to things, I would explain it away.

I looked at my watch and it was 4:30 p.m. That meant it would only be a little longer before I could escape for the weekend. I had already managed to avoid him and his calls for an entire week.

I'd already made my plan ahead of time. I was thankful not to have a pet yet, yes I like them but I hadn't chosen one yet. That meant no barking or anything following me around the house. I would be in complete solitude despite the knocking that would come at my door.

At 4:59 p.m. my plans went to hell. A hand settled upon my desk and instinct kicked in and I drew back from it, tilting my eyes upward.

"I've let you avoid me for too long Michael. Time's up." his eyes boring into my own. I mustered all the possible fury I could to glare back at him and pressed my lips together.

"Exactly what is that supposed to mean?" I asked, my attitude notwithstanding in my tone.

"It means I have a proposition for you and you won't refuse me," he said with confidence. My eyes closed and opened again.

"What do you want Max?" I frowned even more if that was possible. Crossing my arms across my chest. I didn't care if he was my boss's boss, he wasn't MY boss. Oh, and it was now 5:00 p.m. I'd managed to wait that last minute. "You know what? It doesn't matter what you want, I'm off for the day. Have a great weekend!" I said with the smarmiest of tones.

Rising to my feet, I grabbed my things and started to walk past him and made sure to keep my distance. Distance from this walking talking nightmare of a man was a good thing. I trusted myself that I could do this until I came to an abrupt stop. A hand grabbed my arm and I felt the fingers began to tighten.

"You're on paid overtime. My office NOW." There was no question in his tone, which was a full-on Dominant command. I shuddered and I lowered my eyes as I turned in his direction.

"Release me." I said at first, when he didn't I said it again this time louder, "Now Max, release me. I'm not yours and you cannot command me. If you want me to go with you to your office and pay me for it, fine!"

He looked at me and smiled, it was almost a menacing action on his part. "Oh well excuse me Archangel, forgive me." There was no repentance in his tone. His cold stare worked it's the way through me. I started to feel that familiar fight or flight instinct. Oh god how I wanted to run, but my feet stood stock still.

"Lead the way, Max," I stated plainly, not giving him any inkling about what I was truly feeling at that moment. Terror, sheer and unadulterated terror.

"Is that how you address your boss?" He asked with a stern tone.

"No that is how I address my ex. You are not my boss. You are Marcy's boss." I glared and then lowered my eyes again. Holding his gaze was a dangerous thing for me right now.

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