five | 4

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Don't cry on white tissues over white lies,
Pillows amidst the dark,
Sleeves that hide your scars,
Over a heart that never belonged,
Never lingered upon love,
When you gave yours.
Love, you are too precious to cry,
Take care of yourself and soul.

I don't want you to cry,
An neither I want to anymore,
Find solace in my arms,
Because I find solace within yours.
Indeed, we may different stars,
Tinted colors, pale hues,
Shine brightly, hiding in the day,
But reveal our love under the moon.

Find me through your tears,
For I will find you.
Never find sorrow when as long
As I am here,
With you.

I will be there by your side,
And you will be on mine.
If you were to find the dark,
The cold, the pain, no hope,
My heart will open its door...

To find light, love, and no sorrow

Beloved, you are welcomed inside.

With love, and forvermore.

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