Part 2 - What Do You Know?

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Hi everyone, I will be posting parts 2 and maybe 3 if I can finish it tonight. But you'll definetly see parts 3 and 4 by tomorrow night. Kay? Love you <3

- Sommie Musso


You're Not Alone Chapter 2:

This is the chapter of "You're Not Alone" where Crona talks to Ms.Marie and Kid talks to his dad about boyfriends and girlfriends.

This chapter is going to alternate between Crona's POV and Kid's Pov.

SteinxMarie in this chapter.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Death Room-

-Kid's POV-

"Hello,father?",asked the young shinigami as he he searched the Death Room for his father.

"Hi.Hey Kiddo.Those strips of yours are looking cute as ever.You're turning out to be a fine young grim reaper my boy.Tell me,how are you doing collecting the 198 kishin souls?",asked Lord Death in his usual jolly self.

(A/N : For those who aren't familiar with Soul Eater,because Kid has two weapons (Liz and Patty) he has to colect double the amount of a regular meister (198 kishin souls, 2 witch souls)

Kid rolled his eyes and said, "Everything's going great dad.But please refrain from from talking about the unsymmetrical,hideous,disgusting stripes on my head.I try hard enough as it is to ignore them myself.About the soul collecting,everything is going great so far."

"Good.Good.",said Lord Death."Well,is that all you wanted to talk about son?"

"Well,actually no.",started Kid."You see....ummm...what is it someone?"

"You aren't talking about my darling Maka are you?",inturrepted Spirt Albarn (aka Death Scythe) who had just finished making yet another doll of his daughter,Maka.

"I'm afraid not Death Scythe,you see...there's this girl and...",said Kid finishing off where he was from before.

"What's wrong with my beautiful Maka?",asked Spirit,eyeing the boy suspiciously.

"Nothing sir,it's just that I think I might like someone but i'm not sure...",said Kid before he was inturrepted AGAIN by another one of Spirit's rants.


"REAPERRRRR CHOP!",yelled one of the two shinigamis in the room as he reaper chopped Spirit.

"Good work son.",said Lord Death.

"Thanks.As I was saying before I was rudely inturrepted...",started Kid as he was glancing over at the red headed man who currently had a fountain of blood out of his head."...there's this girl that I think I like and I know that you said before that if I ever had romantic feelings towards a girl,to come to I am."

"Son.",said Lord Death as he put an arm around his son."It's time I told you about your mother."

------------------------------------------------At Stein and Marie's home---------------------------------------------

- At Stein and Marie's Home -

- Crona's POV -

Meanwhile at the house of Professor Franken Stein and Marie Mjolnir,Crona stood outside thinking about the conversation she would have with Ms.Marie.She had played through her head exactly what she would say during the conversation,but as she stood there deciding whether to ring the door bell or not,all of the words left her mind.

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