Part 6 - Tell Me

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Konnichiwa :) In this chapter we finally get to see what Stein had to hurry to Lord Death about. Enjoy :)

As Stein hurried up the stairs of the DWMA at 10' o clock at night, he only had one thing on his mind. He was just about to head out on his date with Ms.Marie when he recieved a text from Lord Death to come to the DWMA as soon as possible.
As Stein reached the last few steps of the academy, he could see Spirit waiting for him.
"You're late. Two days late actually. Don't you ever check your text messages?"
Stein rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards the academy.
"Not now Spirit," he said. "Is the infirmary still open?
"Yeah. But you better hurry before Nygus locks up for the day," said Spirit.
Stein hurried to the infirmary and retrived Kid's test results from his desk. He then went to the Death Room to talk to Lord Death.
As Stein entered the Death Room, he overheard Spirit and Lord Death talking to each other.
'What are you going to do if the results come back positive?" asked Spirt.
"Only 1 in every 10,000 shinigami to have that disease so I doubt it's likely that my Kiddo has it now," said Lord Death sounding a little doubtful. "Isn't that right, Stein."
Stein appeared from the doorway and walked to the middle of the Death Room where Lord Death and Spirit were standing.
"Based on Kid's test results, I can only conclude one thing." Stein pushed up his glasses and prepared to tell Lord Death the news. He started to flip through his clipboard. "It appears as though Kid has the rare disease known as the Thorns of Death. I did some research and it looks like the last person to have the thorns of death was a shinigami about the same age as Kid named Amelia. She died just 3 months after being diagnosed."
Spirit looked at Lord Death waiting for a response. Since Lord Death's face was hidden by a mask, nobody ever sees his actual face. However, Spirit knew that underneath the black cloth and mask, there was an actual human, just like Death the Kid. Spirit knew that Lord Death's heart was breaking on the inside.
Spirit was the first to speak, "What can be done to get rid of this disease?"
Stein and Spirit held their heads down with expressions on their faces that seemed like they were afraid of the only solution that could possibly save Kid's life.
Stein pushed his glasses up again even
though they were already straight on his face.
"Even if we were able to meet the requirements in preparing the cure, there's no way to determine how much time it would take. There's also no way to determine how much time Kid would have left. If Kid died before the requirements were met...all of those sacrifices...would just be a waste."
"What do we have to do?" asked Spirit now sounding angered by the fact the Stein almost sounded like he was giving up all hope and avoiding the topic by all means possible. "Tell Me."
This is a really short chapter so I'm going to put up the new one as soon as possible.So this chapter more or less explains why Kid kept on being dizzy in the last chapter. I'm gonna save the cure for the Thorns of Death for a later chapter. This is gonna get really sad by chapter 8 or 9. Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I really need to put Crona back in here someway or another. PS: Every chapter up until now takes place in one day. The next chapter takes place on Sturday morning in case anyone was confused about the time change in this story. Love for my Velociraptors <3

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