Chapter 5: Midtown School of Science and Technology

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(Back to Melissa's P.O.V)

I woke up and didn't even realize I was in Spider-man's bed. There were some clothes on the desk that May had previously put there for me to wear to school today. She had given me a red short sleeve shirt and a jean skirt. I paired it with my black high top converse. I went into Peter's bathroom and brushed my hair. I noticed a toothbrush with a sticky note on it. I picked it up and it said, "Hope you had a good night's sleep. Here's a toothbrush to...I don't know...brush your teeth with. -Peter" He's so cute and dorky.

Once I finished up in the bathroom I head into the kitchen expecting to make my own breakfast like I normally do at home. As I enter the kitchen I find May cooking pancakes and Peter eating most of them. Except for one plate beside Peter that had pancakes and maple syrup on it. Peter sees me standing awkwardly by the entrance and motions for me to sit next to him.

He must have seen the look on my face and asks, "What's wrong, never had a home cooked breakfast before?"

"Actually, I have not." He immediately drops the fork he was using onto his plate and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Peter Benjamin Parker! What was that for?" She turns around and sees me sitting next to Peter. Her expression immediately becomes light and cheery. She gives me a warm smile and says, "Oh, good morning Melissa. I hope you like Pancakes." She motions to the pancakes in front of me.

"Yes, I do. Thank you May." Peter looks at me, then at May.

"Aunt May, can you believe that Melissa has never had a home cooked breakfast before?" Aunt May looks at me with the same expression as Peter, and suddenly I notice the family resemblance.

"Well since my mom is raising us by herself and I have 6 siblings, we don't really have time for stuff like that. I mostly eat cereal for breakfast."

She just smiles at me and says, "Well, in this house we have time for everything." I smile back. Something about May just makes me feel wanted.

After me and Peter finish our pancakes, May drives us to school. Peter gets out of the car and opens the door for me. He is such a gentlemen. As we walk up to the entrance there is a big sign that says Midtown School of Science and Technology. Just as I remember it from the movie. As we walk in it looks so familiar, like I already know some of the layout (which I do).

"We have chemistry first. Aunt May made sure that we were scheduled for the same classes so that I could be with you throughout the day to show you around." I like the sound of that 'with me the entire day'.

As he leads us towards our first class, he shows me everything he can. He showed me the school trophies, where the bathrooms were, and the cafeteria. The last stop we made before class started was the principal's office.

"And this is where I got in trouble one time." motioning to the doorway.

"I remember." I say, not trying to come across as weird. He just scoffs cutely and smiles at me.

"Right...right." He says pointing at me.

I follow him into chemistry where we sit next to each other. I look at the table next to us and there's Ned. I raise my hand to wave to him, but put it down. He doesn't know me, and it would be creepy if a stranger just started to wave at him. Peter, who had been lost in his chemistry preparations, looked at Ned and waved. He then looked back at me and suddenly had the realization.

"Do you know Ned, too?" I shake my head yes. "Oh, but it would be weird since he doesn't know you." He is so cute when he's slow. No stop it, you didn't come here to stay permanently. But he is a more probable relationship then Tom Holland. No, no, you can't think like that, you have to get back to your universe.

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