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Let's begin...

All the family members came there and surrounded them.

Sanchi cries:mumma this sanskar and mama ji...

Jeethu :arey beta we wanted to surprise you for your birthday!!
Sanskar:yes sanchi..
Sanchi: oh is it??my birthday was on last month.

Jeethu:oh we thought of giving balanced surprise!!
Ram:what kind of madness is this?
Sanskar:surprise dad surprise!!
Ragini:but why were you tying her in bag.

Sanskar:bua we wanted to surprise sanchi by scaring her but Ragini came in middle..
(Himself)or else sanchi would have eat us raw!!

Sanchi stood:you..what is running on your mind?
Ram:what would run other than madness!!
Sanskar pouts.
Sujatha:you will get married in 10 days at least remember your responsibilities!!

Ram:morning we have to go to temple..and lock the doors Sanchi and Ragini.
All goes sanskar was looking at Ragini who applying balm on sanchi's elbow because got hurt.
Automatically a smile crept on his face.
Jeethu returns and pats him.
Sanskar:yaar jeethu..woh kitni pyaari dikhti hai na.
Jeethu:who sanchi or Ragini?
Sanskar:Ragini.. don't consider that bandariya here!!
Jeethu:then what is your problem she herself came,you just have to sit in the mandap.
Sanskar:pata nahi kyu but i feel yeh madap tak nahi tik ne wali!!

He goes.jeethu follows him.

While Ragini sleeps on her side of bed.she smiles remembering when she was passing by sanchi's room to sanskar's she heard sanskar and jeethu's plan.
But she didn't knew he would plan something again of kidnapping her but sanchi came to her room to sleep.Ragini went to washroom when all this happened.
But next moment she feared...

Next day....

Everyone sees their favourite breakfast.
Sujatha nod in no:Ragini have made it.your's maa ji's sharmishta's ...
Adarsh to Ragini:how you know about this?!
Ragini thinks she sees Sanskar coming there:sanskar told me!!
Sanskar confused:what?

Ram: I didn't knew my son knew everyone's favourite dish.looks like you can bring him straight.
Everyone laughs.
Sanskar himsoef:till today I didn't got time to to know about my favourite dish then how would i know others favourite!!

Everyone are getting ready to go for the temple.

Sujatha comes to Ragini's room.
And gives her the red colour saree and jewellery.

Sujatha:this is the ritual of our family Ragini. Everyone of our family's Roka happens on the devi ma temple.
Ragini fears:Roka..
Sujatha:i understand your feelings you don't need to be sad.we are there for you.
Ragini just nods.

Soon after sometime.
Ragini was wearing the red saree and the jewellery which was given by sujatha.
Ragini was somewhat sweating..

She moves out.
Sharmishta who saw her smiles:Ragini..
Ragini smiles weakly.

Sanskar who was along with sharmishta saw Ragini.he was mesmerised seeing her.Ragini feels his gaze.to avoid this..
Ragini :ji bua ji..
Sharmishta moves to her and caresses her cheeks:you are looking so beautiful beta!!

Sanskar brush his hair with smile.
Sharmishta lightly slap sanskar's arms:oh ho look at the groom here.blushing like a bride.don't worry today is the roka ceremony in devi maa temple and tomorrow engagement and then 8 days for marriage!!
He looks at Ragini.who has bent her head.
Sharmishta:now you don't blush.or i will tell bhaiyya to get you both married tomorrow itself.

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