Your Ragini......Sanskar!!!

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Let's begin...

Sanskar was mesmerised seeing the beauty in a yellow colour full sleeve salwar in front of him.he was lost when the reality struck him.
Ragini in front of him?????!!!!!!!!!
His eyes almost came out of sockets!!

Ragini smiles looking at everyone of the family..
Ram and sujatha glares Sanskar.
Sanskar:i..i was joking dad.

They faces Ragini with smile.
Ragini moves to them and takes their blessings.
They were impressed.

Ram:why did you get late beta?
Ragini:papa ji ...
Ram looks at her.
Ragini:you know right security and i got late!!
Ram sujatha smiles.

Sujatha:you identified us?
Ragini:yeah mummy ji.sanskar was always talking about you. There was a no day that he didn't speak about you all.hai na sanskar.
Ram immediately turns to sanskar because he can't believe this.
Sanskar was looking at Ragini,but soon smiles sheepishly:yeah yeah..

Sanchi smiles:hai Ragini..i am Sanchi sanskar's bua's daughter.
Ragini smiles:i are sanchi.(pointing to everyone)you are sharmishta bua, you are shekar uncle and Ram papa ji sujatha mummy ji.savitri dadi ji. You are Adarsh chacha ji and parineeta chachi.and finally(she looks at Jeethu)jeethesh mamaji.sanskar calls you jeethu but i will call you jeethu mama ji.
Jeethu was so confused but nods to her.

Sanskar looks at her shocked,he didn't tell anyone about his family names this detailed!!!
Sujatha smiles:looks like Sanskar have kept the bio data of our family in front of you.

Ragini smiles at Sanskar.
But sanskar was so confused that he wanted to bang his head on wall to prove this as dream but no point of banging it was a reality.

Ram looks around: didn't your mom dad came?
Her face fell: I don't have mom dad.papa ji!!

Ram glares at sanskar: don't you know at least this sense?
Sanskar:i thought she only come and surprise you with this..
Sujatha: don't know when your madness will go!!
Sanskar pouts but shrinks his eyes and looks at Ragini.

Savitri:come come let's go now.she would be tired after the journey.
She moves along with them.

Sanskar was still looking at her in same expression.
While Ragini turns and winks at him with a brod smile.
Sanskar was shocked.

Jeethu who saw this:sanskar what is happening?from where did she came?how she landed here?
Sanskar was already in confusion but stretches a forced smiles:from Australia and by flight!!

He goes.
Jeethu:he always does this with me!!

Soon they reach home.

Sanskar goes to his room and calls samaira.
Samaira:hey sanskar.whats up dude?
Sanskar sarcastically: what's up??yeah your friend is planning to send me up only.
Samaira:what? sanskar speak something other than nonsense..
Sanskar:nonsense? it's you who spoke non said there is no chance of Ragini to come India!!
Samaira:yeah there is no chance.
Sanskar:what no chance..yahan tho woh meri band bhajane ki tayyari kar rahi hai.
Samaira shocked:what Ragini in India? don't worry sanskar i will see this issue!!
Sanskar:do it soon.. I don't want her to dance on my head!!
He disconnects the call.

Jeethu comes there:bhaanje yeh kya ho raha hai!!
Sanskar:jeethu yaar what to tell.she is not my lover.
Jeethu:i know that but how did she came.
Sanskar:that only i am not understanding
Jeethu : i have a plan.
He shares it with sanskar.

And they immediately moves to Ragini's room.
Since it was midnight everyone are sleeping.

He opens the door. Jeethu follows him
Ragini who was doing something in laptop,sees him and smiles and keeps the laptop aside.
Ragini:Sanskar.why did you make it so late to meet Your Ragini!!

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