The second side of the story!

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Let's begin.....


Dayal showing photos of Maheshwari family. He tells about each and everyone to Ram.
Dayal:this is Ram due to him i am well settled doctor now.he only send me here!!
Ragini smiles.
Dayal:you know he loves paneer a lot in childhood he used to steal paneer from our plates.and in that too matar paneer is his favourite.and shekar was our other friend who is now Ram's sister sharmishta's husband. Savitri maa ji never differentiated me with her sons.
He introduces everyone.
Dayal:and this is Sanskar,Ram's only son.very nice guy.still he is mischievous yet a good guy. And you know what he used to stay in Australia. We met many times. It's hard to find a guy like him,he respects everyone especially girls.this must be in his values because he is grown in
Ragini:you never told about him.and also didn't make me meet!!
Dayal:because you were too busy in your studies remember??
Ragini nods
Janki:you just talk about them.some day we should visit India!!
Ragini:yeah dad now i am urging to meet them!!
Dayal:yeah we will go once after your results comes.
And they nods...

Like this days passed..

One day..
Ragini was attending a function and returning with her fruends, she was wearing a white saree..

On the other side Ghani bhaai was coming with his men's.
When Ragini passes by him and he inhales her scent.
Ghani lustfully mutters: jasmine
and he turns to look at her and he was awestruck seeing her beauty.

Ghani:my jasmine!!
He immediately moves towards her.

Ghani:my jasmine..
He moves close to her inhaling her scent.
Ragini moves back angrily and slaps him.

Just then his men were about hold her for her this move.
Ghani pushes all of them:hey..
Ragini gets scared seeing his reaction.
Ghani:my love nobody will dare to touch you in front of me.
Ragini was about to go..
He held her wrist and leaves her hand:no no i will not touch you now but only after our marriage.will you just give me the pleasure to inhale you!!
He closes his eyes and inhales while Ragini leaves from there muttering in disgusting tone:paagal!!

Ghani opens his eyes not finding that pleasure.
Ghani: where's my jasmine?
His men:she already left boss.
While Ghani smiles:my love my jasmine!!

After 5 days..

Ragini met her friend samaira.
And they goes to a cafe.
Samaira:so how's everything going?
Ragini: it's good well tomorrow is my result.please do pray for me!
Samaira:well you don't worry about that i know you will rock it as always!!
Ragini smiles.

Samaira hesitantly:Ragini..i did a work without asking you.please don't be angry on me?!
Ragini:But what you did that i will get angry?
Samaira: actually i always tell you about my friend sanskar right?!
Samaira:well his family was getting him forcefully married and he asked me for the solution and I didn't get anything other than..
Ragini:other than?!
Samaira:i sent him your photo's to show his family that he loves you just to cancel the narriage.don't worry he is not a bad guy!!

Ragini smiles:well it's good that my photo could help someone to secure his future but but i should not face any kind of problem in future!!
Samaira smiles:you are not angry?
Ragini:no why will i?but still i repeat i should not face any can consider this as my warning too!!
Samaira smiles:you will not.Sanskar is good guy!!
Ragini:hmm.okay i will leave now!!

While on the other side.
Dayal and janki were in the hospital treating the patients...

When Ghani bhaai enters there.
Both of them look at him.
Ghani:i am having a heart problem doctor which can only be cured by you!!

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