last shot

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Let's begin.....

Sanskar misses the car.
He was frustrated:damn..
He pulls his hair in frustration.
Thinking something he drives to a place.

Whioe here Ragini was unconscious in a old mill!!
She could listen some laughter as she gains the conscious slowly realising that her hands and legs are tied and her lips was plastered.
She struggles to free herself from this.

And sees Pratham approaching her.
When a goon stop him:no bhaai.if you touch her then that mental will not leave you.
Pratham pushes him:do you think me as a am double mental then him. First me then him!!

He was about to go again his gang member stop him.
Pratham:how dare you to stop me!!

He moves to Ragini,whioe Ragini was sweating in fear.
She tries to free herself when he slide his palm on both of her hand:till now i thought why that mental was doing like thisbfor girl.but after seeing you,he is absolutely correct.
He pulls her on to him and removes her shawl.

While here Sanskar was in traffic CC camera office.
He was trying to trace the location of the car.
While he was equally tensed for Ragini.

And here the door breaks revealing person to be ghani bhaai.
And he sees Pratham trying to kiss Ragini.
Whipe he shouts loudly pulling he couldn't take it anyone touching her than him.

Whipe pratham stood seeing him.
Ghani sees Ragini:my jasmine..
He cries and takes out his gun and shoots Pratham continuously until the bullets in his gun finishes!!

Just then sudeer comes and sees his son in the pool of blood.
Sudeer shouts:what did you do?you killed my only son.he was my everything.
He sees a gun and was about to shoot him when Ghani shoots him.

While Ragini struggles to free her hands.
He was about to move to her when the gang member of pratham cover him.
And ghani throws the dollars,all their anger changes seeing the dollars and they pick it up.
And stood behind him:yes boss!!
He moves to Ragini.

He unties her:you should not be like this should be like my queen.let's fly back to and me together forever!!

He makes her stand and drag her along with him
Ghani:we will go but not before our marriage!!

He announces to prepare for the wedding!

And they reach a farm house!!

Ghani:this day is our day jasmine!!
He takes her to the room!!
And gives her the lehenga:i want to see you in i our wedding will be my you should not worry anything but only think about me.
Just then the beautician was brought there with a gun point!

He orders her to make Ragini ready in the bridal attire!!
She nods..
He goes...

Whioe Ragini looks at her and then at the window.she move towards the window!!
While the lady:my kid is in their hold.if I didn't make you ready then ...
She cries.

On the other side..
Ghani:where is the priest?!!

Voice:shishya..tell this man to not shout in front of me!!
Ghani turns tapering his eyes at the 2 figures in front of him.

Sanskar and jeethu have disguised as priests!
Sanskar smiles and audible to jeethu:overacting bandh kar!!

Jeethu sees ghani:why is he seeing me like that?!
Sanskar to ji is bit angry that's why?!

Ghani nods:go and make everything ready?!

Sanskar:guru ji have done 2,224 marriages and this is 2,225th wedding!!
Jeethu himself:haan haan,i may have attended this much wedding accept mine!!

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