Chapter 3 : School, oh my god!

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So after some time, I went to my new school, my parents dropped me outside the gate, they weren't allowed to go inside the school.

I walked inside with a pinky, barbie bag, I felt damn awkward as I thought everyone was staring at me, in short, I was nervous.

At the time I just missed my old friends, old school and the old place from where my father got a transfer from.

I used to feel like an alien because I was the odd one out here, the style of talking, behaving, writing, playing, keeping friendship and all was totally different from me.

It took me at least 1 and a half year to adjust myself.

At that time, I really never paid attention to any guy in the class because all boys seemed disgusting to me(in the whole world, I didn't like talking to boys) and also, I was busy trying to adjust with my new friends (who always kind of tried to keep me away) and was busy in making my image in front of the teacher.

I sat in a row in which i was the only girl but after sometime there was another girl, Jenny.

So talking about friends, on the very first day of school I was asked to choose one group, so here i came to know that people study, talk, play, eat in two different groups ,I mean they all r friends but they have some little fights when they stay together so the divided themselves into 2 different groups.

I said that I will be in both the groups, I will spend equal time for both of them.

But soon I realised that it was not possible and i chose the smaller one, which had just 5 members(including me), Annie,Zabbie,Anna, Rie and me, Andy.

Here, Annie was the hi-fi ruling girl type, she was full of drama, and style as she was beautiful, she thought she is ruling the world but, she had a bad past, she was 4 when her mother passed away in an accident, her father was in the army so she lived with her aunt (her father's sister) and uncle.

Zabbie was a kinda simple one, but she caught up anger so quickly.

Anna, what to say, at first me and Anna fought a lot. We both were never cool with each other,but talking about now, we are good friends. She was a bit miser kinda(not now) , she spoke too much (she still does).

Rie was the silent one, she always remained quiet, therefore, she never had any fight or any issue with anyone.

I chose that because they didn't had much fights(until i came..Anna duh!) , they were sweet (just for some days then i realized they weren't comfortable with me)Although their descriptions dont seem to be like but still they were peace makers kinda.

I took so much of time to adjust n make the other members of my group accept me.

Days passed... Zabbie,who hated me when i came in the starting, was now my best friend as i shifted my home n we went to school in the same van. Anna n me now had good terms. Annie was still the same, I just tried to get a lil closer to her but she didn't accept me as i thought (i just didn't care then).

Until then, i realised some people started liking me (boys) but i didn't care about them at all, none of them confessed but i had some super power or Somethin (Nope, i don't mean in literally) that i knew who like me n who doesn't just by observing their behavior n eyes.

There were like 4 from my class and 1 junior (i guess but i was sure about 3 guys of my class).

I had a stupid thought that why don't boys like Annie, she was beautiful but then i realized, her behavior never let anyone like her that way because she was way too dramatic as i told ya, she was kinda weird.

Fun cases!! In 6th std i fought with a guy who used to be with me in my van when i lived in the rental house. He was so freaking annoying that day and i caught up my extreme point of anger and slapped and bet him on his head like a proper mafia bitch and of course after that he didn't ever dare to even talk to me.

After that, some other guys, who were his friends,started to stay away from me as much as they could. They underestimated me coz i was a cool, silent girl and anger hit me so hard now that i did this mess. That felt good tho. I felt superior omg lol.

Note from author : And i did many other adventures ("kand kiye hai maine bohot" if uk hindi) and if i start explaining all of em, ull get bored n leave this book n thats what i dont want.

Sorry if i bored you but there's the romance part. Its just on the way! Keep going and ull find this story interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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