Love Pt 2

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*3 more chapters*

James: I can't believe a bird pooped on my second favorite shirt!

After hoping out of the shower, James put on a fresh new everything on. The last 4 years were struggle and torture for him. He didn't think that he could ever love again, but yet here he is. Cleaning the poop out of his second favorite shirt, thanks to a bird that the love of his life owns. Sure, they hadn't even been dating for a day, but he knew thar she was the one.

Ever since they met two years ago, he always put down the thought of dating her.

*Flashback James POV*

James: Can we go Adam? This YouTuber meet up is kinda bumming me out. All they talk about is the algorithm and how it sucks

Adam (SomethingElseYT): Come on man, hey there's this girl I want you to meet, but you can't film her.

James: Why? Isn't she a YouTuber?

Adam: Yeah, but she doesn't want to do a face reveal yet. She's super insecure, she's perfect for you.

I punch Adam in the arm, he knows I can't date. Not after Cassidy, and what she did to me.

James: You know that's a sore topic

Adam: That's also my sore arm, asshole.

I laugh knowing full well that idiot got that sore arm accidentally. Well, at least I know he won't ask another boxer to punch him for a long time.

Which to him is probably a weak.

Adam takes out his phone and starts to type.

Adam: Okay, I told her to meet us outside. She said she'll be wearing her usual outfit.

He catches onto my confusion and shows me her YouTube channel home page. JaidenAnimations. Funny, I wanted to do a collab with her a while ago, but she never replied.

Adam: See? A purple tee with blue jeans. Not that hard to find with all these weebs.

James: It's culture!

He laughs and rolls his eyes. We make our way through the crowd to the outdoor area. We look around the convention center, trying to find this mystery woman.

After five minutes of searching, Adam spots her and calls for her.

Adam: Jaiden!

She turns around and blood almost shoots through my noise. She's beautiful. That gorgeous smile, her kind eyes, her chestnut brown hair. Adam nudges me to say something.

James: Hi, I-I'm James

Jaiden: Jaiden, nice to meet you

She reaches her arm out for a handshake. I take her hand and give a nice shake.

Don't judge my memory

Her hand was so soft and warm. Like a loaf of bread.

I smile at the memory. Turns out that the message I had sent her on Instagram was a fan account. We laughed and exchanged information for a meet up and collab. Who would've guessed two years later she'd be my best friend in the whole world

And my partner in crime.

She is the love of my life and I'd do anything for her.

The trial was in five days, I already had the love of my life with me.

Now it's time to get my daughter back.

Love Triumphs- A Jamedon TaleWhere stories live. Discover now