Pre-dinner Tears

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*this first part may be based on a relationship of mine. Cough*

James: So where do you want to go for dinner?

Jaiden: I don't care as long as you are okay with it

James: I chose last time though!

Jaiden: Choosing Subway for lunch does not count!

James: It's more than you did!

Jaiden: Thats because I don't care!

James: We could go to Chili's, Red Robin, Dennys, or Outback

Jaiden: I. Don't. Care

James: How did our 'date'  turn into an old marriage couple arguement?

Jaiden laughs and opens her phone.

James: Whatcha doing?

Jaiden: Okay Google. Pick a number between 1 and 4

Google chose 3 and James already knew that meant Dennys. He was kind of hoping for Outback, but happy they could just go.

Getting off the couch, James turns and offers his hand to Jaiden. Jaiden with a small blush, accepts the hand. James takes a coin out of his pocket and flips it.

James: Call it

Jaiden: Heads?

The coin lands on tails. James sighs and laughs.

James: Looks like we're taking my car

Jaiden bends over and picks up the coin, James blushes as he caught a slight glimpse of her small butt.

Jaiden: Looks like it's my lucky day!

James: *to himself* Mine too

Jaiden: Hm?

James: *awkwardly*  Mind giving that back?

Jaiden: I don't mind.

They both stand waiting in a awkward silence

James: You're not giving it back are you?

Jaiden: Noooooooope.

They both laugh and head out. James opens the car door for Jaiden

James: Mi'Lady

Jaiden: Thank you kind sir.

Jaiden and James get in the car and headed to Dennys. During the car ride they talk about their next collab. A combined story telling about past relationships. Jaiden thought of the idea as a way to let their fans know they are still people that made mistakes.

James: You've had five boyfriends?

Jaiden: Yeah, well if I'm being honest the first three shouldn't really count. Anything relationship that doesn't happen before eigth grade doesn't really count for me.

James: Well at least we can get some interesting stories out of those experiences right?

Jaiden looks out the car window to hide her face from James. She let's a stray tear fall down her face, she wipes it away quickly. James notices her tear out of the corner of his eye.

James: This is going to be an emotional video, huh?

Jaiden: I just won't talk about one of the boys I've dated.

James: May I ask why Jaid?

Jaiden: I think that's a story for another day James

They reach a stop light and James puts a hand on Jaiden's knee. She tenses up but relaxes. Feeling James touch her made her feel special, but it brings back memories.

James: You know you can talk to me Jaid. I'll always be here for you. I-I love you

Jaiden: Thank you James. I love you too.

They both knew it was a friendly love, but they both wanted it to be so much more.

James: W-Would you mind if this was a date?

Jaiden: Not at all

The two smile at another as the light turns green, and they head to Dennys

Love Triumphs- A Jamedon TaleWhere stories live. Discover now