It's Still Not Real

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"Dragon isn't real,honey."

His mother's soft pressed voice was still ringing in his ears even after 20 years. His mother was now grey and almost retiring but still sharp as she used to be 20 years ago. He adores her, and he loved her but always there was a nag behind his mind to find the truth. 
He was 27, finished college and now working as a boring apprentice to some crazy librarian. He did not know how he ended up in that place, it was not even related to what he learned in college but he was lucky enough to be among the first to get a job in his class. 

"I would need you to sort out the old books in the attic, Tommy. I couldn't stand the dust," Lycra the crazy librarian snapped him from his dream. 

"Oh come on, Lycra. It's been there for ages, now you're asking me," Tommy grunted. 

"No. No complaint. Go, go, go now," there was a hint of British accent in the way she speak that made Tommy wonder if she actually came from somewhere in England. She lowered her glasses and gave him that stern look while hushing him. He grunted again and lazily rose to his feet and headed towards the long stairs. She watched him go with her lips tight like a typical librarian. She had always been that way and for as long as Tommy know, she has not changed a bit. Oh yes! And she did not even aged! Tommy slapped his forehead. Why did he not notice it? How long have she been here, in this mortal world? Is she an immortal? His mind could not help but keep imagining things. He growled and decided to find out by himself. 

He turned back and walked down the stairs quickly. He need to ask Lycra something, something that possibly could be an answer he was looking for. He walk past the shelves of book and towards the counter where Lycra would station herself. She was indeed there, flipping through catalogs of nail styles. 

"Lycra... Lycra! I've got a question for you!" He jumped in front of the counter. 

"For god sake, Tommy! Do you want to give me a heart attack!?" Lycra almost jumped from her chair. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. I was just curious." Tommy apologized.

"What is it?" She asked, returning to her catalogs. 

"I have known you for 20 years and I noticed that you have not aged. I mean look at my mom, she's turning 50 and she has wrinkles now. But you look just like 20 years ago. Are you immortal or are you a kind of immortal being?" 

Lycra stopped flipping and stared at him sharply. 

"Let me teach you a lesson, Tommy boy. Never ever mention a wrinkle to a woman and never speak about age to a woman. Now, off you go." She pressed each and every one of her words with her accented voice. 

"Wait! If you're immortal, have you seen dragons? " he did not give up. She rolled her eyes. 

"Dragons are not real, you delusional boy." She said. She lost interest in her catalogs and dismissed him to the attic again. He was a little disappointed but he walked away. He could hear Lycra was murmuring something about him being all grown up but still believe all the fantasy things he read in the books.

27 years old and he still believe he could find something to satisfy his imagination. 

"I'm crazy..." He laughed to himself and headed upstairs for the task Lycra had assigned him.

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