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The next day Rayne was up even before the sun. She made her way to the chamber and saw the two little dragons curled up against each other, Rayne melted a little at the sight. She called Mipsy with her camera and took two pictures of them sleeping.

She played with them a little after they woke up; feeding those two small pieces of chicken and Dragon baby food she had got from the Evans Dragon sanctuary. She then left them under Nefertiti and Shira's supervision.

At breakfast all anyone could talk about was the troll that had entered in the school. It had apparently found three Gryffindors in a bathroom and had rendered them unconscious; the three Gryffindors were Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Dean Thomas.

Rayne did not participate in the conversation much and made her way to the classes.

Rayne's days were filled with taking care of the dragons and soaking any and all kinds of magic she could, she gave Jon many books on modern ways of architecture, construction, agriculture and warfare techniques.

Rayne was unbothered by the happenings of the castle. She led a silent life, only talking to her two cousins and Severus. Severus was increasingly becoming her confidant, she would go to him for any questions she had or for guidance or sometimes just for having a conversation.

She had started her Quidditch practice with the entire team; they were keeping her recruitment a secret. On the day of the match she skipped breakfast in the Great Hall to meet Severus in his chambers with Dudley and Draco. She then made way to the pitch and stood beside Adrian Pucey.

Marcus gave short speech and ushered them to the pitch. The Gryffindor team was shocked to see Rayne along with the team, dressed in seeker robes with a broom in her hand.

Madam Hooch started the match with blow of her whistle. It was apparent to Rayne that the Lions had a superior team as their chasers were great but still Slytherin kept up with them using underhanded plays. Rayne concentrated in finding the snitch when she felt her broom getting warmer. Rayne had many anti jinx charms applied on her broom courtesy of Lucius. She closes her eyes and finds the thread of magic invading her broom and snaps it. Her broom comes back to its normal temperature and Rayne zooms across the pitch to find the snitch, Slytherin was trailing by thirty points. She finds the snitch flying near one of the Weasley twin's ear. Rayne speeds up her broom and chases the snitch as it flutters away near the ground, Rayne hot on its tail with the Gryffindor seeker following her. Rayne outstretches her arm and her fingers graze the wings of the snitch before curling around it.

The Slytherin cheers were deafening, the whole team hugs her and lifted her on their shoulders and carried her to the Great Hall.

Rayne notices Lucius and Narcissa standing in front of the hall. She hugs them and they congratulate her on winning the match.

Soon enough the winter break was upon them, Rayne along with Draco and Dudley was all set to go back home but she was worried about the dragons. After much deliberation it was decided that the dragons would stay with Jon for the entirety of the break, Jon had a secret room in his chambers that was only known to him, Rayne and Arthur Dayne and Gerold Hightower.

The day before her departure from Hogwarts she travels to Moat Cailin with the two baby dragons, Nefertiti and a month worth of Dragon food. The dragons were almost as big as cats, they would grow at an accelerated pace for the first three years and then slow down a little. Nefertiti did not want to be away from them as she took on a maternal role for them always hissing about different things and making sure they don't fight with one another.

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