Chapter 6

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~Jonathan's POV~

Me and Ohm spent the rest of Lunch time in the bathroom. We were cleaning off all of the purposely spilled milk off of him. What was wrong with Red today? He was so protective... Well, he stopped the drama at least. But then, he also poured milk all over my new friend's head.

"I'm sorry Ohm... We should've probably sat outside or something.." He laughed lightly.

"It wasn't you. I sit there everyday, it's just Evan." I don't know why it was so weird hearing that name... In my eyes, he was named Red. But Evan suits him too, I guess..

"Can you... Tell me more about him?" I threw away the milk  soaked paper towel. Ohm nodded, then took off his blind fold. His eyes were close, but they were tightly shut.

"Well... Hmm.. What do I know about him?" He began thinking.. He rung out the blind fold over the sink, the tied it back on.

"He's a bully. Been like that for a while. He's a Senior, ya know?"

"He's a Senior?!" Why am I in a Math class with a Senior?

"Yea... Well, he thinks he's boss of the school. All of the teachers let him be late... But rumor has it, that his family is rich. And pays the school to be extra nice." I hummed, thinking. It would make sense though... That's probably why he gets away with everything so easily.

"The bell is about to ring, you might wanna head off to your next Class." I shook my head.

"N-No... I'll stay and wait."

"You're a good person Jon, but I don't want you to be late because of me. Plus, don't you have a fun class period?" I nodded. It was an art class. I wasn't all too bad or great at art. But it caught my attention quickly since ai thought it would've been fun.

"Yea... But-"

"Go, don't worry. I won't be late." I smiled, then said good bye. The idea of leaving Ohm.. It scared me. Part of me wanted him to come so I wasn't alone while walking to class. Please for the love of god... No one from Red's crew be in my art class.
"Alrighty kids take your seats. I'm glad to let you know that we have a new student in out class. His name is Jonathan, and now we can start." My eyes widened. What a short crazy introduction she had given to me. She began talking about how to draw a sphere, and I felt overwhelmed. There was some relief though.. It just felt safer without the bullies here.. Then I heard the classroom door open. I looked over at it, and my eyes widened.

"Sorry for being late.." I tensed up. His gray eyes looked directly at me.. It was Red! Why was he here..?! Why is my luck so bad!

"It's fine Evan... Please take a seat." He was walking towards me! There was an empty seat next to me! I want to put my legs up on it, and just say that it was taken. But I froze up.

"May I?" He asked, gesturing to the seat. I nodded quickly, he pulled out the seat, then sat next to me. My body was so tensed up, it really hurt... I didn't care though! He felt so close, and it was making me tremble...The teacher continued to talk about the lesson for today. I couldn't continue on to draw the sphere...

"Hey..." I heard a whispered, and felt a tap on my shoulder. My eyes widened as I looked over at Red. His gray eyes of his looked so friendly.. What do I say?!

"Hieeya.." My voice cracked. I covered my mouth quickly, my face growing hot. He let out a crack of laughter.

"Um, uh-huh. Hi.." I coughed. He rested his elbow on the table, and his chin on his hand. I kinda relaxed, still a bit nervous... He was playing at something, but what exactly was he doing?

"Listen I... I'm sorry about.... Me, and my friends.." He sounded like he didn't know how to even say an apology.. I smiled a bit, it was a nice try though.

"It's fine..."

"No, it's really not. I mean, look at your face..! I caused it.." He looked down at the art table..

"I know you can't change much... It's already been done, and all I can do is accept your apology. And I am accepting it." His eyes looked back up at me, and there were sparkles in them.. It looked as if he was genuinely happy.

"Thank you.." He murmured. I nodded.

"So... Your name is... Evan?" I awkwardly asked.

"Yea, and you're Jonathan?" I nodded again.

"It's nice to meet you, Jon."

"Nice to meet you too.."

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