Chapter 13

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~Evan's POV~

We got to Jonathan's apartment, and quickly entered. There seemed to be no sign of Luke anywhere.. So me and Jon just plopped down on the couch, and turned on the TV. It still stunned me that he called me by a nickname.. When he says it, it gives me a completely different feeling.

"We should do our homework.." He murmured to me soft. I shook my head to him.

"No... Not now, maybe after this show? I'm just... Not ready yet. Plus we have the entire weekend." Honestly I just wanted to be distracted by something that is not about school... Jon then moved a bit away from me. He looked a bit nervous.

"Is... There something wrong?" I then asked. His blue eyes widened at me. They quickly looked away, his hands clasped together...

"I mean... Yea.. You know about your... Girlfriend?" His brow raised. It annoyed me to hear about Athena, but I tried to hide it away from him. I want to know what he's going to say.. I then nodded slowly.

"Well... I don't mean fo be rude or anything, but how much do you love her?" Jonathan softly said the last part, barely enough for me the hear it. His face looked flushed, and his eyes kept avoiding mine. The question also caught me off guard... It wasn't something I was expecting coming from him. How did I feel about Athena..?

"I love her a lot still... She's been my crush since the beginning of middle school. And we've been dating since then. She's just changed over the years." Was I even being honest with myself? I wanted to love her... But things are just so complicated right now, I can't even look at her without getting angry. I remember those times where all she did was spend time with me. Then she started getting distant, and only wanted me to show up to some events that were important. While when I try to get her to spend just a single second of her time with me, she ghosts me.

"Ahh... Sorry, but the argument from earlier? And how upset you were.. I was just curious." His gaze then looked up at me, a smile across his face. It was a cute smile...

"You're good. It didn't really bother me..." There was dead silence again, except for the TV that was playing... Jonathan looked nervous, as we sat and watched the show. I then hooked my arm around him, pulling him close. I felt his body tense up as I did.

"Hey... Relax. I'm not going to hurt you." I smiled. He was looking up at me with big eyes... I loved looking into those eyes. I wasn't even sure why I did, but... They were so beautiful. Athena's couldn't even win against his. Something about his blue eyes always captures my attention, and can have me staring at them for hours. Jonathan then began to relax, a genuine smile growing across his face. Honestly... Part of me wanted to hold him forever.

"Thanks..." We both kinda sat there for a little... I just couldn't help but stare at him. I was trying to memorize how He then chuckled, and looked away.

"I lost the staring contest." He joked. I blinked a few times.

"Who said this was a staring contest? I just really like looking at you..." His face then flushed red at my comment. Jonathan then gave me an awkward chuckle, and moved away from me.

"Well..." The front door suddenly opened to reveal two people. It was Luke and... Ohm? They came in laughing, and arms around each other. Once they saw me and Jon, the laughs died down. It was a short moment of silence before..

"Wait... Ohm? What are you doing with..." Jonathan then gestured towards his roommate. Luke then let out an awkward chuckle.

"He just came over right after you left... He wanted to skip classes today, so we ended up just hanging out." Ohm's face flushed red to Luke's words. Though I couldn't see it, but I could tell that he was trying to avoid eye contact. Jonathan shuffled on the couch a bit, letting out a gentle laugh.

"Oh.. Maybe if you called I would've stayed home. But I'm kinda glad that I went to school today.." His blue eyes then looked to me. I glanced at him, feeling a light burning feeling in my cheeks... Luke then hummed softly.

"If I allowed it..."

"What?! You... You let Ohm skip school! Why not me..." Jon sounded hurt. A smirk formed across his face.

"Because technically I'm your older brother... You moved in with me, and older brother's have to keep little brother's in line." Luke folded his arms. I kept glancing at Ohm, who was sitting behind Jon's friend. He looked guilty, and I didn't understand why..

"That's so dumb..." Jonathan huffed out. I shrugged my shoulders.

"If he's your guardian, he can set the rules." The look on Jon's face when he looked at me. He looked so shocked, his eyes then rolled.

"Fine. Ok. Anyway, what did you guys do today?" Jon then asked.

"Well we went to the movies... And just hung out at the arcade for a while, that's all." Luke had this smile across his face, something tells me they did something else too. Ohm nodded along to the story.

"Hmm. Ok, well..." Jon then took my hand, and stood up. My eyes widened as I looked up at him.

"Me and Ev are going to go upstairs, have a good time together!" He then dragged me up the stairs to a room that wasn't really a room... I heard small murmurs come from Ohm and Luke, but nothing I could make out. Jonathan let go of my hand, and threw himself onto a bed. There was a sudden sound of a door closing that was down the hall. Guessing Ohm and Luke went down there...

"So... What was that about?" I then sat down onto Jon's bed. He lied there looking up at the ceiling.

"I think they're doing something behind my back... Which I don't mind. But they were just acting weird about. Did you see Ohm?" A pair of blue eyes looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Of course I did... It looks like he really likes your roommate."

"Oh ew... That's so weird. Luke's like my older brother. It's like that 'friend likes your older brother' stereotype." A look of disgust flashed across his face. 

"You can't stop who they like." I responded.

"I don't want to stop it. I just find it a little weird that's all.." He mumbled. Slowly I sat and lied down next to him so our shoulders were touching. I could feel the back of his hand against mine... It was now silent, and we were just staring at the ceiling.

"Is it possible for me to stay for the night..? I don't think I wanna go home, I'm afraid Athena will be there." I whispered.

"Of course..." Jonathan said softly. I tried interlocking my hand with his, holding it gently so he had a choice on tugging away. I was expecting him to... His hand then tighten his grip. I let out a soft sigh then looked over at him, and he did the same. Our eyes locked together.

"J-Jon..." I couldn't say anything else... Questions began to fill my head. Did I actually love Athena? Should I continue loving her? Should I continue having this relationship? I felt my self moving towards him... Who do I love more? Does he like me back? Will he let me...? My lips then connected with his.

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