Chapter 7

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~Jonathan's POV~

It was a nice day in art. Me and Evan got along well, which was quite weird. He talked with me the whole entire time.. That time soon came to an end... And we were free to go hone. I got out of the class room with Evan at my side.

"So... Talk to you tomorrow?" He smiled at me. My gaze looked up at him, and I gave him a smile back.

"Of course. I liked talking with you.." There was this sparkle in his eyes. It was very cute... He was so friendly! But yesterday... Evan was cold towards me. Maybe it's because he didn't know me as well as right now..

"Sweet. See ya later.." He then walked away, probably going to search for his friends.

"Hey Jon!" I turned around to see Ohm charging towards me, pushing a blonde boy in front of him. My eyes widened, alarmed that he might not stop. They came to a screeching halt. I tensed up, ready for the in coming ball of soon to be disaster. They both stopped in front of me.

"Jon, this is Bryce. He's also a good friend of mine." The blonde boy looked so flustered. He then gave me an awkward smile and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you." He said, looking like he was sweating. I took his hand and shook it.

"You too..." His had was sweaty too... I hope he was alright. He didn't look sick, just really nervous. We both let go of each other's hands, and then looked at Ohm. The taller boy's blind gaze looked at the both of us.

"Alright! Now, you have met. Where to now?"

"I need to go home... Well, Luke wanted me to head home right after we got done with school. Maybe you guys can meet him!" I said happily. They both nodded in agreement, making me smile widely. Suddenly I was shoved into both Ohm and Bryce.

"H-Hey!" I glared back at who ever pushed me. It was Lui. He smirked a bit as him and his group of friends walked past. Making me feel a bit nervous. I then noticed that Evan was walking with him, he looked directly at me. A frown forming across his face, he looked very scary... He looked as if he was going to hurt me, he was not who he was last period..

"God... They're such a pain.." Bryce huffed as the group passed by. Evan then looked forward as him and his friends walked. It kinda hurt to know that he wasn't that person that I was talking to only moments ago..

"Do you know them?"

"Yea... I use to hang out with them. But, I got older. And more mature." Bryce shrugged his shoulders.

"You're a senior?"

"No, I'm a sophomore. It was during freshman year.. I hung out with them when I had no one else. They just.. Bullied me. Especially this guy named Evan. Thinking I was lesser than them. So, I broke away, and met Ohm." He smiled. It made me a bit uncomfortable to be talking about this group of people.. I don't know, it just scared me. Like, if they were listening.. Bryce would end up dying or something. Still though.. Something doesn't add up. Evan was a bully? Maybe when Bryce was in the group.. But Evan hasn't messed with me once. He's just given me these dirty glares, that's all..

"Well, should we get going? I can't stand to be here, also we could talk on the way there." Ohm suggested. I nodded. I would like Luke to meet the new friends I have made.. So, the sooner we go the better.


"So... When exactly did the move here?" Bryce asked as we were walking shoulder to shoulder.

"Yesterday. Well.. I've lived here before. My mom just decided to move away because this place wasn't right for me and my older sister.. That's what she said at least. I wanted to move back here though, since my friend Luke still lived here. He's just a older me, and he use to take care of me like he was my brother. Along with my 2 nannies." They both suddenly looked at me.

"You had nannies?!" Ohm said with a gasp. I nodded slowly...

"Yes... Is that a problem?"

"No, it's not. You just don't seem like the person who would need the extra help." Bryce said. I chuckled a bit.

"It was more like.. I didn't really have an grandparents to see. So, when my mom had to go to work, she would leave me with my Nanny Grace, and Nanny Mia. Luke would come over a lot to just see me. We were just really close." Luke was the only brother I could always look up to.. Well, and only friend. I never really got along with other kids, so I'm kinda shocked that I found Ohm and Bryce.

"That's... Pretty cool. The way you talk about him, he seems like a nice guy."

"He is, but protective. So don't mention anything about Evan and his friends. He'll go nuts. He already knows about them, but not who they are. Please don't tell him." We walked up to my door step, Ohm put his hand on my shoulder, and smiled.

"Promise... But, you'll need to talk about them at some point. Especially when it gets... This bad." He gestured up and down me. I still had all these bruises and cuts on my body... I didn't like how Ohm reminded me about them.

"Thanks.." I mumbled, then grabbed the door nob. I turned it to open, and reveal Luke chilling out on the couch. He suddenly got up looking at me and the group of friends I had brought in with me.

"Holy shit. Didn't know you would be bringing friends home so soon.." Luke got up of the couch with a soft chuckle. He walked towards us, then held his hand out.

"I'm Luke, Jon's friend. Nice to meet you." Ohm looked very nervous, his cheeks were a light pink..

"I-I'm Ryan, or Ohm. What ever you like to call me." He stuttered, taking Luke's hand and shaking it. Ohm looked tensed up while standing there...

"Alright, Ohm. And you?" He turned to Bryce.

"Oh, um... It's Bryce. Just Bryce." Luke then shook his hand.

"Well, um... I have your phone. It's all set up, just needs you to update it." Luke held the phone towards me. My eyes widened to see the phone he got me was an iPhone. These phones are very expensive... I'm surprised he got me this. I took it and inspected it for a little.

"Alright... Thanks."

"Yea.. If you need me. Just say my name, and I'll be there. Since this apartment is so small. Jon, I'll be in my room." Luke then walked back and disappeared into the hallway. Me, Ohm, and Bryce looked at each other with clueless faces.

"So... What do you guys wanna do?" They both shrugged their shoulders.

"Eh, we'll figure it out. Come on, let's go upstairs."

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