Truth Or Dare (Part 2)

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Chelsea: Barbie, truth or dare

Barbie: Um... truth

Chelsea: How long have you gone without glitter?

Barbie: Uuuuuuuuuuuum 9 months

Chelsea: how?

Raquelle: How

Ken: Impossible

Ryan: Explain

Barbie: I didnt have glitter the whole 9 months my mom was pregnant with me

Stacie: Me too

Chelsea: Me too

Skipper: You were born a month early

Chelsea: Well atleast i got glitter earlier than you guy

Stacie: We are all older than you

Barbie: who is next?

Raquelle: ME!!

Chelsea: raquelle, truth or dare

Raquelle: Truth... no dare!! Wait i pick truth

Chelsea: Is it true that you can go a day without glitter?

Raquelle: No its not true!! I lied to you guys

Chelsea: Stacie, truth or dare

Stacie: Dare

Chelsea: I dare you to not use a skateboads for 1 hour

Stacie: Alright I can do that

Barbie: Now put your skateboard down

Stacie: No

*skipper and stacie fight over it*

Skipper: give it to me

Stacie: No!

Barbie: She already failed

Chelsea: Now you get to do my chores for two weeks

Stacie: Aw man!

Chelsea: Ken, truth or dare?

Ken: Dare

Chelsea: I dare you to jump as high as you can

*Ken jumps 5 feet in the air and falls on his face*

Ken: Ow

Stacie: Oof

Barbie: We have a dare for you skipper

Chelsea: oooh, what is it?

Stacie: You have a dare from -CorruptedSteven_

Skipper: Ugh! what is it?

Barbie: *reading* Okay skipper I dare you to use your turn table and put up a disco ball in your room and locked your bedroom door cause its about to get lit! Okay I dare you to listen to some of these songs and jam out to them! 1. Wifi wifey by Nick Bean 2. Turn down for what by Lil john and DJ snake 3. Whistle by Flo rida 4. Red nose by Sage the Gemini

Barbie: You will be listening to all 4 songs for 2 hours then go into your bedroom and sing Turn Down For What while swinging on your disco ball like Miley Cyrus did with the wrecking ball.

Skipper: 4 songs on repeat?? nooo imma go crazy!

Stacie: Do it!

Chelsea: Do it!

Barbie: Do it!

Skipper: fine *goes to spotify*

Skipper's Phone: Wifi Wifey by Nick Bean is now playing.

Barbie: Stacie, I dare you to name four og tik tok stars while spinning around on a hoverboard.

Stacie: easy! *starts spinning* Baby Ariel, Theylovearii, lorengray, and marioselman.. woah! *falls*

Chelsea: HAHA you fell!

Stacie: sh-sh-shut up chelsea.

Barbie: I dare you to do the renegade while spinning on the hoverboard!

Chelsea: Okay *spins and does the dance* boom clap doo doo doo doo doo doo wait renegade renegade renegade renegade WOAH!! *falls off*

Chelsea: S-sorry for laughing stacie

Stacie: haha

Barbie: We are running out of time, Bye guys

All: Bye!

Skipper: ugh I have listened to all 4 songs 3 times already...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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