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Question: Does Stacie make you mad?

Chelsea: Sometimes

Stacie: She makes me mad a lot!

Chelsea: You ripped my unicorn plush toy when I was three!

Stacie: That's because you broke my glasses!

Chelsea: But you cracked my phone with your base ball

Stacie: Well you broke my tablet because you were jealous that I had one and you didn't!

Question: You had glasses stacie?

Stacie: Yes, I wear contacts now

Chelsea: *Sticks out toung*

Stacie: *Sticks out toung*

Barbie: Guys stop fighting

Skipper: Yeah stop fighting, so you guys remember what happens last time?


Stacie's Age: 9,

Hair: Stacie has her hair down

Chelsea's Age: 3

Hair: Chelsea has Braids

Stacie and Chelsea are physically fighting

Chelsea: Why you break my new camera?!

Stacie: Because you broke my phone, tablet, and computer

Skipper's Age: 14

Hair: Skipper a braid going
Over her shoulder

Barbie's Age: 22

Hair: Barbie has a pony tail

Barbie breaks up the fight

Skipper holds back Stacie while Barbie holds back Chelsea

Barbie: Why are you guys fighting?

Chelsea: Stacie broke my toy!

Barbie: Stacie, why did you do that?

Stacie: Chelsea broke my tablet, glasses, phone and computer!


Stacie: Oh

Chelsea: Sorry Stacie

Stacie: I'm sorry chelsea

They hug

Everyone: Awwww

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