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Question: Are you afraid of anything?

Chelsea: No

Barbie: *Dressed as a spider* Boo

Chelsea: Aaah! spider!

Stacie laughs

Stacie: See, you are afraid of something, spiders.

Chelsea: I thought she was a huge spider

Barbie: What else are you afraid of?

Chelsea: Nothing

Stacie: What about the things you were scared of when you were three?

Skipper: Snakes, Bears, And Mice

Chelsea: I will hate you for that skipper and stacie!

Stacie and Skipper laugh


Chelsea: Age 3

Skipper: Age 14

Stacie: Age 9

Chelsea: Hi Stace, and Skippy

Stacie: Hi

Chelsea: Skippy, what behind your back?

Skipper: Nothing

Chelsea: Stace what behind you?

Stacie: Nothing but...

Stacie holds a tarantula in front of her while skipper has a mouse on her hand

Chelsea Screams

Stacie and Skipper laugh

Chelsea: Barbie!!!!

Chelsea opens the door and sees a snake

Chelsea starts crying

Stacie and Skipper: Uh oh

Stacie: Chelsea, this is a fake spider

Skipper: And this is a fake mouse

Barbie: Age 22

Barbie: What happened?

Chelsea: Skip, and Stacie scared me!

Barbie: With what?

Chelsea: A Snake , A spider, A Beatle, A Rat, and A Mouse

Skipper: Chelsea!

Chelsea: There were no Beatles or rats

Barbie: You Two are grounded for a week

Skipper and Stacie: Awwww!


Chelsea: Haha, You guys were grounded for a week

Stacie: I kinda felt bad

Skipper: Me too

Barbie: Ok now on to the next question, see you guys next time.

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