Chapter Two:

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My dreams are filled with ambulances and voices. Beeping and weird sounds. At one point all i see is blue. Like a blue cloth over my eyes.

I wake up.

My eyelids don't exactly open but my mind and ears do. I hear beep which sound oddly familer from my dreams. Voices. More and more voices. I can't get them out of my head.

Wait. They aren't in my head.

I listen closely to the hushed voices and take in the conversation. "She's been asleep to long. Im sorry but she has offically been put in a coma." A coma? Why am i in a coma? "No! She can't be! She has to wake up!" i hear and oddly familer voice yells angryly. This doesn't belong to an everyday someone but one i haven't heard in years. Daniel.

"daniel" i mutter under my breath. "Wait! Did you hear that?" my brother asks the doctor. I hear footsteps rush closer and a feel a faint breathing against my face. "Sophia. You there baby?" Daniel asks me. I love thay way he calls me baby. It feels like someone actually cares. "Daniel?" i say a bit louder this time. My eyes still fail to let me see but just to hear his voice is good enough. "Yes baby, it me your brother Daniel" he whispers pulling my hand into both of his. I open my eyes a squint and the blinding light hurts them.

The pain in my side reminds me of something. Flashes of screams, blood and phone calls invade my cloudy mind. Still jumbled up in a weird sort of way.

My eyes adjust to the light and i open them wider. My eyes flicker over the room taking in everything. The machines and white walls. They stop as i look at my brother. He looks lost and bags under his eyes suggest he hasn't had much sleep. When he sees that my eyes are open his lips lift up into a smile and he gives me a hug. "Sophia!" a girly voice says from behind Daniel. He breaks away from me and i look up to find the familer face of Marie, my brothers girlfriend, well fiance. Their getting married soon. He was going to send us tickets so we could go to Austrailia for the wedding.

"Marie" i say, she rushes towards me and envelops me in her arms. Her eyes are red and she has bags aswell. Her brown hair is thrown up in a lose bun and her once blue and sparly eyes are a dull grey-blue. My brothers blonde hair is messy, it look like hes has just woken up and his normal hazel eyes are kind of red.

"Ow" i yelp before i can stop myself.. My stomach feels like i've been shot. Oh wait. I have. "Oh crap! Sorry Sophie! I didn't mean to do that!" Marie panicks breaking away from me. Before i can say it wasn't her fault a Police officer comes up to my bed and i stay silent.

"How are you feeling Sophia?" he asks me searching my face. "Okay...I guess" i mumble trying not to burst into tears. I need to stay strong. Not just for myself. But also for my family, namingly Daniel and Marie.

"Do you remember anything from that day?" he ask refering to the day my family was killed. "Umm..." how do i start? "Well i remember standing up in church and then three men came in and shot everyone. I ran away but got shot. I jumped into the flax bush and waited for them to leave. Then i called the ambulance but i passed out before i could explain anything" i finish and let out a breath. My eyes water over and i do everything in my power to hold them back.

"Do you remember what the three men looked like?" he asks after he finishes writing down what i said. A flash of the three men entering the church awakens me. "They had masks, but i remember a tattoo" i answer. The police officer writes this down, "Please decribe the tattoo?" he demands in more of a questioning way. "It was a dragon. Wrapped around something. On his forearm. And his skin was quite tan." i answer trying to give as much information as possible. After all my head still feels a bit cloudy.

A tear drops down my cheek uncontrolably. I quickly wipe it away. "Did they see your face?" he asks me. They saw me. Oh shit. I can't answer. My voice is literally stuck in my throat, so i nod. His face goes cold and he scribbles something don't on his notepad. "Very well. I'll be back tomorrow for more. Good day" he says giving Daniel a qurt nod as he walks out of the room.

Daniel follows him out and i can just hear their conversation. "So...What's going to happen to Sophia?" Daniels voice speaks first, "She'll have to go under witness protection for a few months possibly a year." he answers with a concerned tone of voice. Witness Protection? I think i might have heard of that before. "Witness Protection?" Daniel questions the police officer, "She will be put under a new house with a new identity." the cop explains. A new identity!? What the hell is going on with my life? "No. She's staying at my house" Daniel says sternly, "Im sorry sir but Sophia can not stay with you due to the same last name. The most i could do is move her close to you. Where prehaps to you live?' he asks, No. Thats unfair! I have to live with Daniel! Not some random family i've never met!

"Sydney" Daniel answers, "Well... The most i can do for you is find a house close to you that is willing to keep a child for a few months." Months? I thought he said years? "oh" is all Daniel answers with. They exchange goodbyes and Daniel soon comes back into my room. "Daniel. I think you and Marie should get some sleep" i say looking at the bags under there eyes and imagining how ugly i must look right now.

"Okay baby" Daniel gives a weak smile and bends down giving me a kiss on the forhead. "Bye hun" Marie says giving me a kiss of the cheek and grabbing Daniels arm and slowly walking to the door. She glances back and gives me a loving smile. Still with red eyes i'll take any happines i can get.

I glance at the clock and notice it's only 9:30pm. I pick up the cup of water beside my bed relising how thirsty i really am. I drown the cup and place it back on the bedside table. I pick up the T.V romote and flick through the channels. An image of the church i go to stops my click and my ears perk up as i watch.

"After long thought Featherston Church has been put up for a knock down. From previous advents of a horrible gun shoot out. There had been a funeral at the time, and everyone attending, so far have been reported deseaced." The reporter speaks standing infront of the church. Even though the new that everyone is dead. The murderers still now i'm alive. "One person who had been at the advent has been reported missing." the reporter continues, "The identity of this person has been strictly guarded by the police department due to the fact they may have been seen during the crime."

"Back to you in the studio Rick" the reporter finishes her talk about the shoot out I was involved in. I'm glad they didn't give my identity because that would have been nasty. I switch the T.V and decide to rest my head and atleast try to get to sleep. My stomach still hurts like a total bitch but i'll manage. I hope.

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