Chapter Four:

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We pull up outside a house that looks like its owned by a billionare. Two storey and with little balconies! The front door is carved wooden artworks and i'm literally lost for words. I gape as my door is opened for me. Climbing out and i just stare at the beautiful house.

"Whoa!" i sigh at its magnificence. "Haha, we get that alot" Karen exclaims walking up to the door and unlocking it and walking inside. Daryl follows her with my bags and i slowly trail along after them. "Daryl will just take you to your room honey" Karen gives me a loving smile. I turn to Daryl and follow him up the stair case. Hanging from the ceiling of the hallway is an amazing glass chandiler. Its light reflects off the walls and illuminates the small room.

Daryl pushes open a door and my eyes widen in amazment. It is utterly amazing!

A huge double bed with clean white sheets. Clean white walls and two doors with titles, one with 'Bathroom' and the other with 'Wardrobe'. Daryl places my bags down on the chest infront of the bed says goodbye and hurries off. The open the wardrobe and my eyes almost fall out of their sockets.

It is filled with clothes. Of every colour imaginable! Shoes, purses, jewelry, make up....The list just keeps going on! I think i wont mind staying here.

My stomach suddenly grumbles. The last time i ate was on the flight and that was a couple of hours ago because the car drive was long. I scamper out of the wardrobe and navigate my way downstairs. I walk into the lounge to find Karen sitting down with a laptop and her back facing me. She is skyping someone, or should i say some people.


I quickly turn around to leave but Karen calls me back around. "Come on Julie! Meet the boys!" she chirps. I slowly make my way to the laptop and look at the screen. Sitting there are four good looking boys, in other words 'Hot boys'. "Hello?" i say shyly giving a small hand gesture that was supposed to look like a wave but failed.

"Mum....Whos this?" the boy with bright red hair and greyish-green eyes speaks first. He must be Michael Clifford. "This is Julie Grey. She's staying with me for a while." Karen explains, "Personal Reasons" she adds indicating NOT to ask why exactly i was here. "Hello Julie! I'm Michael" he exclaims giving me a gleeful wave, his accent is strong and manly. "And this is Calum..." he points to a darks haired boy he has a cute streek of blonde in his hair, with dark brown eyes and quite plump lips. "Ashton..." he points to a brown curly haired boy with a bandana and light hazel eyes, "And last but not least, Luke..." This boy had beautiful blue eyes and a cute blonde quif in his hair. His lip peircing was so cute....

Wait? WTF!?

"Ello boys!" i chirp which earns a laugh from them. "My name is Julie Robert Grey!" i says addressing my whole entire 'fake' name. "Wait...You do normally tell people your full name right?" i ask relising they are probably thinking i'm a total weirdo right now. "Not usually..." Michael answers, "Well i guess i'm more weirder than i origanally thought" i exclaim laughing nervously. "Hahah! Nahh, i've known weirder" Luke replies. "Well thats a good sign...I hope." i answer.

"Anyway Mrs Clifford-" i start "Call me Karen" she interupts me grinning, "Anyway Karen, i was wondering if i could maybe have a glass of water?" i ask kind of feeling awkward about the situation. "No need to ask!" she hushes, i breath a sigh of relief and stand up. "Thanks" i say, "Bye Michael, Ashton, Calum and Luke!" i say uneasily, a laugh comes from the laptop, "Bye Jules!" Micheal yells after me.

They actually seem like really nice people.

I find my way to the kitchen using my mad navigation talent. . . . Actually it took me like ten minutes to find it but. . .I take anything i can get.

I notice the cups straight away and grab one from the cupboard filling it up with water from the tap. I gulp it down and refill it only to drink half. I pour the rest down the sink and place the cup in the dishwasher. I have to abmit, this house is incredible! Even the dishwasher, and usually i try stay clear of anything to do with dishes. Then i do something i haven't done in many years....

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