The beginning of all

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Sun, 16 Jun

It was early in the the moring, the sun didn't rise up yet... I could just hear the rain pattering on my window and the wind blowing through the streets. Suddenly the door to my room was opened and a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Naruto, get up already, we'll drive soon and you still have to eat breakfast!"

That's right... It's Sunday, 16 Jun, the day of my arrival at my new school. Well, actually it's a boarding school...

My mum was in a hurry, just like always, so I had to stand up, even if it really annoyed me. My father is a manager, so he's not very much at home after all. My mother stewardess and is not much time at home, too.

I guess that's why my parents decided to send me to my new school, they wouldn't have to take care of me. They've gotten already enough to do when they come home from work.

I ran down the stairs, jumped into my sneaker and ate some toast. I wasn't hungry, but I was sure that I wouldn't be able to eat something until the evening.

After finishing breakfast I ran back upstairs, because I forgot my bag in my room. So there I stood: In the door of my room, holding my bag in one hand an staring into my room, knowing that it will be the last time I see it for a while. The sun rose up and some golden light ran trough my window, lighting my dark room.

"Naruto! I'm waiting!" My mother, you better not make her angry, so I ran downstairs, put my bag in the car and sat down behind her. I didn't want to sit on the passanger seat, because I couldn't look at her. It makes me angry that my parents don't want to have me at home.

Well, what actually is home? Shouldn't it be a place where you always want to return and feel save? In the beginning I thought my house is my home and I would miss it when I'm at my new school, but the more I thought about it when we drove there the more I was sure that I won't miss that place of loneliness. When I'm at home I'm always alone and I don't have any friends. Maybe that's because I'm too shy. I don't like to talk to people or getting to know new people. That's why I've been full of motivation to find some friends at my new school.

When we arrived I was standing in front of a huge building surrounded by a big paved forecourt with a big tree in it's middle. While being overwhelmed by the place that should be my new "home" I got my bag out of the car.

"I love you, I hope you will have a good time here. I gotta go now, please call me regulary." My mother hugged me shortly and then made her way back home.

I went in and tried to find the office. After some time wandering through the endless seeming floors I heard a friendly voice behind me: "Hey, you seem to be irritated, can I help you?" I tourned around and saw a tall boy with black hair tied to a braid smiling at me.

'Common, now's your chance, Naruto!', I thought.

"Umm... Yeah, I just arrived here and I'm looking for the office, can you give me directions?"

"Of course! By the way my name's Shikamaru, nice to meet you."

"I'm Naruto."

I sounded like a helpless idiot, but it seemed like he still liked me. He showed me the way to the office while we were talking about our hobbies and stuff.

"It's behind this door." , he said and pointed on a door. That's right, the big letters printed on the door spelled the word "OFFICE".

"Alright, thank you."

"You're welcome. I guess we'll meet more often in the upcoming days and weeks. Anyways, I have to go now, see you later."

He turned around and went down the stairs.

I looked at the door and became nervous again. Like I said earlier I don't like talking to people. Especially to strangers. I don't know why, but I didn't had a problem talking to Shikamaru. Maybe it's because he came up to me.

I knocked on the door, hoping that nobody would answer.

"Come in!"

A women. I opened the door and a blond haired women with green eyes looked straight into my face. That's it. My nervousness increased suddenly.

"Oh, eeh..."

"Ah! You're the new student?"

I nodded, O-M-G that's SO emberrassing!

She told me everything about my new school, my timetable, my teacher, class and classroom and where I live.

"You live with two other boys in a room. I'm sure you guys will be fine with each other."

"Yeah, thank you."

I left the office and went to my room. I opened the door and to my surprise-Shikamaru sat on the bed and looked at me. He seemed to be as surprised as I was.

"Oh, Naruto! What are you doing here? Don't tell me this is your room!"

"Shikamaru...? Well, it is."

"That's great! That means that we live together in a room."

Now I noticed that there sat another boy in front of Shikamaru.

"Who are you...?", he asked and looked at me.

"I'm...Naruto. I'm new at this school."

"I see and this is your room?"

"Yes, it is."

"Cool, I'm Kiba!"

"I'm Naruto, nice to meet you."

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