Ch.9 Inside the infirmary

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All the way to the nurse this boy I fortunately or unfortunately met on the way, he kept blabbering about himself. I hardly paid any attention, Allen Meyer 9-b, that's all I got to know.

The walk wasn't long but it felt like ages had passed. I was so glad when reached the medical room, if I was gonna be around that chattering thing for longer then I seriously needed some cotton for my ears.

The nurse was pretty shocked when she saw Alex; she said some holy words then ran to get first-aid and a huge bowl of water and tons of cotton. She handed me some cotton, "Help me wipe off the blood." I obeyed her not because she had ordered me but because I was pretty worried about Alex myself.

As soon as I took the cotton from her she went inside another room to get some medicines. I wet some cotton then turned to wipe the blood.

*His skull broke, right? Umm... I don't feel that his nose cartilage is okay as well.*

I started from the cheek because that place seemed to be the least hurt.

"Ouch! If he were conscious now, just imagine him screaming his head off at the top...."

"Don't you have a class to attend? Thank You for helping me till here but now you can leave, good day."

He pause for a second. To me it felt like it was the longest time period of him being silent.

"Now that was little harsh..... Well it's not the first time someone tried to kick me off.....good bye."

I stared as he was finally leaving; yea his words kind of stung me.

"Yo, Allen."

He swung around with widened eyes.

"Yes? You want me to stop by to give you company? Well sure I won't mind even....."

"Allen allow me to treat you in recess, for now you can leave."


He looked disappointed first then he smiled in the end. He turned and closed the door behind him.

*Whew! The chattering thing is finally gone!!*

I turned to the flame headed guy and froze.

*I can hardly see any skin now...... red blooded face.... Bright red blood..... Flowing slowly from his wounds as if there was no end......I'd better get his wounds dressed up fast, this guy is a total disaster.*

Fast but delicately I wiped the blood till there was no more left then looked around for the nurse, she hadn't returned. I examined his face.

*Such a handsome face he had before getting it mutilated......*

I found the first-aid kit nearby and looked for medicines. I found the required ointment but the tube was squeezed empty.

I shuffled inside the box looking for more identical tubes, but found none. I went inside the room where the nurse had gone, I didn't see her there. There was another door in that room; there was a note on it, it was written in curvy letters, it read:

Nurse is off duty. (Coffee break)

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