Chapter 5

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I am so sorry that this has taken me this long. My laptop broke in April, and it is still broken right now. That's why I will be sending slow replies for a while. I don't want to use it more than I have to. Once it is fixed though I'll be posting more frequently hopefully.

"Well then I guess the second question still remains. How will we distract the Winchesters and their angels Amara?" Chuck asked. He didn't really think about them being a problem. However, now that Amara said they won't even be in the same city as Alannah. "I mean they are on a case at the moment. They wouldn't simply leave a case for just anything." He added as an explanation.

"I was thinking you cause them to fall ill with a plaque or an intense illness of some kind." Amara explained. "If they fall ill the angels will send themselves and especially the boys back to the bunker.

"My angels could simply heal them." Chuck countered as he tried to think of other ideas. "Actually that plaque idea could actually work. I could send something as strong as the plaques I sent to the Egyptians or even something such as the black plaque." Chuck thought aloud. Maybe they would be able to stop Alannah from running. They would then simply watch the dominoes fall until the avengers had their final soulmate in their arms.

"Now that we have that all figured out let's think of the perfect plaque to sent to the Winchester's." Amara stated as she thought. She didn't want to send a deadly plague. She just wanted to send a plague that would make sure that the boys were sick enough to not even argue with their angels' idea of going back to the bunker.

"What about cancer." Chuck thought aloud.

"No, to risky and easy to fix." Amara turned down the idea.

"What about depression." Amara stated.

"No, even I can't fully heal that sometimes and they already have to many mental issues adding more depression might cause them to do something with horrid consequences." Chuck declined.

"What about a plaque that causes their whole body to feel broken." Both of the siblings thought aloud at the same time.

"I suppose we have come to an agreement." Chuck stated the obvious.

"I suppose we have" Amara agreed.

â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"a few hours laterâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"

Dean sat in a bar talking to Castiel about how they would have to go on a date after this hunt was over. Sadly they couldn't come up with the best idea for their next date.

At the same time, in the same bar, Sam talked to Gabriel about how he needed to act more mature. Gabriel was countering with how Sam needed to become more in touch with his inner child.

Alannah was in the same bar but she sat away from the couples. She was sitting in a booth watching the two couples with a smile. She loved these little moments when she was able to see how normal soulmates worked. She loved how much love they could give to each other.

However whenever she would see this it would make her miss past soulmates. She missed every single one from the first to the most recent. That was why she wouldn't give the avengers a chance. She didn't need more people to miss.

The music coming from her headphones wasn't helping it was "My Immortal" from Evanescence. She was the owner of the Soul Music company. She also would help create new dance moves and songs. "I held your hand through all of these years, but you still have all of me." She muttered as she sketched out pictures of dance moves that would fit the song.

As she sketched these pictures she didn't notice the door open or see Thor and Loki walk in. She was so entranced in the song that she didn't notice the pain even as she gripped the two places. She just assumed it was because she was thinking about all her soulmates. The pain would sometimes appear if she was focusing on her soulmates past, present, and on rare occasions future.

Thor and Loki however didn't miss the signs that their fleeing soulmate was in the same room. However, they still couldn't find her. Lucky for the two brothers Dean, Cas, Gabe, and Sam was to busy talking to pay attention around them.

"Do you see the maiden brother." Thor said quietly for once. He had a feeling the "soulmate stealers" as Tony would say were in the same bar.

"Thor if I saw her wouldn't you think I would have told you or at least walk over to her." Loki stated annoyed. He wasn't annoyed with Thor, but by the fact that the two men who have been trying to keep the avengers away from their soulmate most likely was also in the same bar. He wanted to do bad things to the "soulmate stealers" very very bad things. Thor understood this because he felt the exact same way. However, unlike his brother he was better at hiding it.

They then turned towards a booth to see a beautiful maiden with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. They knew instantly that she was the one. She was Alannah. She was their soulmate.

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