Chapter 6

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Thor and Loki couldn't stop staring at Alannah. This had happened when they each met their soulmates, but not this intensely. It was like they couldn't stop looking at her.

"We should go walk over to her, and introduce ourselves" Loki said softly.

Thor simply nodded not trusting his voice. He was terrified that this was only a dream, and he would wake up soon.

Loki walked towards her and took the chance to ask. "Is there anyway we can sit here with you?" He asked kindly.

Alannah didn't answer because she had her headphones in. This slightly hurt Thor and annoyed Loki. He started counting backwards starting with ten. He hoped he would calm down enough so that he didn't intimidate Alannah. Little did he know that she was the one who should be intimidating them.

Seeing Loki trying to calm down Thor this time rested his hand on her shoulder hoping the small touch would help Alannah realize that the two brothers were trying to catch her attention. When she still didn't pay attention to his grip on her as it tightened. It soon was tight enough to break a human shoulder.

Loki saw this and growled at Thor because he didn't like the idea of Alannah get hurt. However, she still hadn't noticed them until Thor tightened enough to hurt even someone with his strength. To her though it was like someone was simply softly squeezing her shoulder.

She was smart enough to know the person wasn't human since there was no human who has ever had that kind of strength. She then deducted that it had to be Thor. She cursed under her breath before looking up at him. She then decided that she would try to scare both the gods by using her own strength.

She grabbed Thor's hand that was on her shoulder and squeezed. She didn't even half to use much strength to hear the crack of a broken bone.

Thor moved his hand out of hers as quick as possible.

"Why did you do that?" Thor said holding his hand in his other one.

"How did you do that?" Loki asked as he checked up on his soulmate's hand. Few people have been able to do something like that with using some strength, but using almost no strength at all? That was impossible especially if she was human. So in Loki's hand he started deducting what she was or more importantly who she was.

"Why because you and your other little avengers can't just leave me the hell alone. Maybe those boys I have been with are my soulmates, or maybe I just simply don't want a soulmate." She growled as her eyes started to slightly change into a dark purple with how annoyed she was with the avengers. Couldn't they just take no for an answer and leave her alone.

"How could anyone not want a soulmate?" Thor asked confused. In his opinion soulmates were a special thing everyone deserved and should want to enjoy.

"I've been hurt." She muttered harshly.

Thor didn't hear what she said, but Loki did.

"How can you say you have been hurt by a soulmate or because of a soulmate if you keep running from us and making us all hurt." Loki growled. If she was being hurt it was her own damn fault not anyone else's is what Loki thought.

"It doesn't matter how I was hurt anyways you asked me how I could hurt Thor. Loki you have studied all different types of creatures. You should know who I am." She said before getting up with her stuff and heading out the door.

Loki and Thor both ran to the same door she left, but she was gone. It was almost like she had never been there in the first place.

"What did she mean when she said 'you should know who I am'" Thor asked his brother confused.

"I don't know. I mean all I know is that she is a lot stronger than you. However, I do have a book that might help us figure out who she is." 

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