7: Visitors

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(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)! Y-you're pull-- AH!" Izuku trips when he and I bump into Shoto.

"Izuku!" I help him up and turn to Shoto, "Where were you? I thought you would come with Izuku to check up on Katsuki?" I cross my arms... Wait a minute... Shoto and Katsuki aren't even close...

He scratches his head and gives a nervous chuckle. "I... Saw something that reminded me of my mother." He smiles, but he doesn't look at me in the eye. "I assume that you know of my relationship with my mother. Correct?"

"A-ah! Yes, I do. She's a really beautiful woman, and really kind as well." I smile, but I lost it as quickly as it came. Shoto was giving me a sad look on his face, then I realized... Something about a kettle-- OH! "S-sorry, I forgot that--"

He raises his hand, a sign that I should stop what I was about to say. "S-sorry... again." I mutter and rub my arm.

Then... Awkward silence enters the chat.


Brushing away my yaoi thoughts, I reply. "He's--" I turn around to see Izuku gone from my side. My eyes widened and looked to Shoto with a petrified glance. "Shoto?"

"Got it. Let's separate. I'll take this wing, you take the wing where you came from." And he runs away looking everywhere. While I stood in place, stiffened in my area, just worrying about where Izuku was and not actually looking for him.

"Crap." I muttered and started looking for him. Please don't get lost. Please don't get lost. Please don't get lost.


Izuku Midoriya's POV

I forgot my change at the mall at Kacchan's room.

Hopefully, (Y/N) and Shoto don't mind, because it seemed like they were having a deep conversation. So, I left them by themselves and rushed back to the room we came from.

I opened the door--

"Oi, Deku."

I gulped my nervousness. His tone made me freeze in place. His red eyes bore into mine.

"H-hey K-Kacchan!" I stutter, looking for the correct words to say to him. "I-I just forgot my change--"

"This?" He held up a tiny envelope. "I knew this was yours and you would probably be coming back to get it. Knowing you, you didn't want to disappoint (Y/N) by losing the money she gave you." He smirked.

"What do you want?" I asked, shutting the door behind me.

"Do you trust (Y/N)?"

"What's the point of that question? Yes, I do trust her--"

Kacchan facepalms and sighs heavily. "You don't understand do you, you shitty nerd?" He looked at me, intently now.

"Kacchan, what do you mean I don't understand?" I retort. "She's been so generous to us! She's even payed your hospital bills and the girl you used your quirk on! SHE'S LET US STAY AT HER HOUSE FOR GOODNESS SAKE! WHAT DON'T I UNDERSTAND?!"

"She could be gaining our trust for reasons that we may not know yet." Kacchan said, monotonously. "And who the fuck says 'I love you' to a person they just fucking met?"

"Kacchan she's known us for a few years now. We've only met her. We're like celebrities!"

"No shit Sherlock."

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