Fake people

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I CANNOT EXPLAIN MY FEELINGS FOR THIS! Literally you trust ppl and than they stab you in the back over and over!
I have this guy friend let's call him Justin.
Justin is my friend and I set him up with my girl friend Rachel, she's in Israel. So him and her got along really well and they hung out constantly for 3 months and than she left for two months to Israel. And they still talk 24/7 so he came over to hang out yesterday and we were watching tv on my bed and I have a queen so we aren't close to each other. Justin starts putting his hand in between my thigh and I cannot even explain how uncomfortable I felt. I literally smacked his hand off of me and I'm like "don't touch me like that ever again!" And he says "why?" BROOOOOOO IS THERE NOT A MORE CLEAR EXPLANATION THAN NO?!? So he wouldn't stop and I got off my bed and the rest of the night stayed on the chair... and now I'm debating whether or not I should tell Rachel ugh. Also I thought he was one of my best friends and he couldn't respect my boundaries and now I can't trust him and I don't want him to be near my friend Rachel. I hate this like I actually trust him and I feel gross now like why would you put your hands on me if I said no?

Ughhhhhh this happened yesterday and I still feel super uncomfortable.

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