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"Where are they meeting you again?" George asked as he and Blair made their way from the back of Honeydukes.

"Outside Dervish and Banges," Blair answered as they both waved to Ambrosius before exiting the store and into the cold outside.

It had started snowing heavily now that the month of December had rolled around, making the entire village of Hogsmeade covered in a blanket of white. Blair had her scarf covering her chin and her coat making her look puffy as she waddled through the carved path. George looked similar with his long coat and beanie covering his head. The two walked towards the shop where Blair would be meeting Poppy, Mina and Nancy in order to go dress shopping. Blair was excited to buy her first ever dress to which the girls insisted would be chosen by them (with her input as well of course).

"Mum's sent me some dress robes," George told her. "They're nothing like Ronald's, so don't worry."

"I wouldn't worry anyway."

"Aww that's commitment," George cooed and ruffled Blair's hair.

"Ah thank you for bringing our subject for today, Weasley!" Mina cheered once she spotted the two. Her and her two friends stood bundled in their coats shooting smug looks at George and Blair. They had been waiting anxiously to see the two and begin their quest of dolling up their new friend.

"How long do you think you guys will be? I need to get her back through the tunnel before Honeydukes closes," George added and the girls looked to each other. Blair had told her friends about her strategy to get into Hogsmeade, to which the girls were fine with. As long as Blair got into the village and willingly went shopping with them, they didn't care if her methods were allowed or not.

"Depends how difficult Blair's going to be," Poppy shrugged her shoulders and smiled at the small glare Blair sent her. "You'll just have to wait and see I'm afraid. Oh and what's the colour of your vest on your robes?"

"Purple," George answered while looking between Poppy and the other two. "Why?"

"No reason!" Nancy cheered before grabbing hold of Blair's wrist and pulling her with them as they moved off. "Thank you, Weasley!"

George watched confused as Blair was pulled off to Gladrags Wizardwear. But when she looked over shoulder and attempt to wave, he smiled widely and waved back. He then turned on his heels and started heading for Zonko's to meet up with Fred and Lee.

Blair let the girls pull her into the shop and watched them ask the lady behind the counter about dresses for the Yule Ball. The dance was obviously heard of by the whole of Hogsmeade as students rushed into the shops to buy their shoes, robes and dresses for the occasion. The woman took them to the dress section and the three girls immediately started rummaging through the bright colours that made Blair cringe inside.

"How do you feel about pink?" Poppy asked as she pulled out a pink dress.

"Yuck," Blair shook her head with a grimace and Poppy rolled her eyes, putting the dress back on the rack.

"What about green?" Nancy pulled out a emerald green slim dress.

"I'd look too much like Pansy Parkinson," Blair laughed and the three looked at her confused. She noticed these looks and cleared her throat to cover the small laugh she thought would carry. "She's a fourth year Slytherin I've heard about. We have similar hair."

They shrugged and put the dress back on the rack, searching some more. Blair rocked on her heels and looked around the shop out of interest. There were many colourful robes and dresses that had been brought in especially for the Yule Ball. But most were lined with silver diamonds and pink ribbons, making them too girly and far from Blair's preferred style. If she couldn't wear black, she would go for something that was at least dark and simple. That meant no pink, sparkles or eccentric designs.

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