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The Quidditch stadium was filled with not only Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, but a group of Gryffindors that sat among the blue supporters on the left side of the stands. While Blair walked off to join up with her team, her Gryffindor friends wore some of the bluest of clothes they owned. George had stolen Blair's scarf that she wouldn't be using and Fred had snatched her beanie, the two taking seats next to Nancy, Mina and Poppy. Even Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry had come along to watch. They didn't have many friends in the other houses so they only ever attended Gryffindor matches. But they supposed that one wouldn't hurt, and they were interested to see Blair's hidden Quidditch skills they had heard so much about.

The weather wasn't exactly ideal for the match. It had already started to get cold at Hogwarts and light sprinkles of snow had started to layer the Quidditch pitch. There was said to be a foot of snow ready to drop at nightfall, pushing the year into winter earlier than expected. Never the less, Blair bundled up her hands with her new gloves she hadn't gotten the chance to wear yet and covered her eyes with protection goggles to counter the iciness. 

"Who's Hufflepuff's Seeker?" Ron asked to no one in particular, not wishing to mention Cedric's name. He used to be the team's Seeker and he was known for his agility and immaculate flying skills. But with the boy now no longer with them, the team would have to work hard in order to have a chance in the competition.

"Some fourth year. I think she was kind of forced into it," Poppy admitted with an anxious look, not wanting to upset Harry who had watched the poor boy die right before his eyes. Harry turned his gaze away from their conversation and decided to focus on the pitch, where the team of blue and yellow jerseys were gathering in the middle.

"Welcome to the first Quidditch game of the year!" Lee's voice rang throughout the stadium. He was sitting in the teacher's box with a microphone to his lips, having Professors' Flitwick and Sprout next to him to represent their houses for the game. "Today, we have Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff! We have some new changes to both teams, giving a fresh look to the game! We've got Anthony Goldstein as Ravenclaw's new Chaser and Jonathan Runner as their new Keeper substitute! For Hufflepuff, we've got Lucy Brooks as Seeker!"

On the pitch, Roger shook hands with Zacharias Smith before stepping back and mounting their brooms. The rest of their teams did the same took their positions, Blair taking the far left of the pitch with Roger in the middle and Anthony on the far right. Their formation was burnt into Blair's mind and she watched as Madam Hooch threw the quaffle up into the air, initiating the beginning the match.

"And Madam Hooch releases the quaffle! Davies takes the lead. He heads for the goals," Lee commentated and cheers of encouragement came from both sides of the stadium. Ravenclaws hooted for Roger to score while the Hufflepuffs shouted for their team to defend their goals.

"He throws it to Rosier! Our new Head Girl, dating one of my good friends! Did you know that Roiser's cat was dipped into gold paint-"

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall's voice could be heard through the microphone, cutting off his ranting.

"Sorry Miss..."

Blair weaved through the Hufflepuff Chasers and avoided the bludgers that her Beaters missed, before swinging her arm back and launching the quaffle over the top of Roger's head. The ball landed in Anthony's hands and he scored immediately, causing a 'ding!' to ring through the stadium and set the Ravenclaws into a loud roar. The few Gryffindors cheered with them and George grinned at the sight of his girlfriend modestly smiling at Anthony, congratulating him on his goal.

"What a deception there! Rosier's heading for the goals once more!"

Putting all her strength into her arm, Blair threw the quaffle and saw it fly through the middle hoop, skimming past the Keeper's fingers. The Ravenclaws cheered again and Professor Flitwick could be seen pumping his fist in the air at another goal from his house. Professor Sprout congratulated him and mentioned how skilled his Chasers were, being the good Hufflepuff that she was.

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