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Heading into Ginny's room, George told his siblings and Hermione that they were having another Order meeting downstairs. They immediately jumped up and Fred pulled out a realistic looking ear with a string attached to the back of it. Blair was confused but decided to play along with it as she was also curious about what they were discussing downstairs. Not only did Molly shut the door, but a whole bunch of people had arrived at the house and disappeared into the kitchen. Even Professor Dumbledore and the old Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Lupin had appeared and hurried along the hall and into the kitchen.

Lowering the ear down, the Weasleys, Hermione and Blair gathered around the barrister and watched as the ear hung inches above the floor. The ear in Fred's hand crackled at first before the faint sound of voices started to flow out of the eardrum. First, it was Sirius's voice but the words were incoherent, making Fred curse and start to hit the flesh in his hand.

"Don't break it! It's the only prototype we've got!" George hissed, snatching it out his twin's hand and flicking it lightly with his finger. Fred rolled his eyes and scowled at the clear words that replaced the crackling interference.

The group went silent as Molly could be heard offering everyone cups of tea before hearing her son Bill speak up. Blair was surprised to hear of the Weasley that she hadn't yet met personally and listened intently to the interruption coming from Mad-Eye Moody.

"Fudge hasn't even told the Prime Minister about anything," his gruff voice sneered. Even though the group had only ever met the façade that Barty Crouch Jr. used as the man, it wasn't hard to guess that his impersonation was uncanny to the real Moody.

"The Ministry's sweeping it under the rug," Kingsley Shacklebolt's voice boomed. "It's impossible to convince them unless they see You Know Who himself. But by then, he will have recruited his entire following again."

"What did the girl say, Albus?" Remus Lupin's calm and soft voice was heard. "Had she been approached by anyone?"

"I highly doubt anyone would have been able to get past Miss Wool," Professor Dumbledore spoke and peeked Blair's interest. She figured that they were now talking about her as she had been the one who was with Miss Wool for the last few weeks. She leaned further over the barrister as if to hear their voices through the door and not through the ear in George's hand, but found it was impossible and decided to focus on the latter instead.

"For the time being, she's safe. But I still doubt she'd ever be persuaded. Miss Rosier's a clever witch," Dumbledore said again and the group turned their gazes to Blair, now understanding that it was her they were talking about. Blair wanted to hear more and find out why they were so concerned about her, but the conversation's topic started to change.

"Stay alert in the Ministry, Kingsley. If anything comes up that isn't mentioned but is important, mention it at the next meeting," Remus said again before there was scuffling and the sound of chairs scraping backwards.

Blair sighed as George quickly reeled up the ear. The door of the kitchen swung open and the group pulled their heads back over the barrister, standing against the wall in order to not be seen by the people that ventured to the front door. There were quiet conversations that flew up to the second floor, but it was only small talk and pleasantries adults usually exchanged. They could hear the sound of the door opening at the end of the hall and the group around the stairs started to quietly move off back to their rooms, only to be stopped by Kreacher standing in their way with a wicked smirk on his sagging face.

"The blood traitors eavesdropping on private meetings," his croaky voice had a hint of evil to it. "Would little master like to hear of these delinquents?"

"You wouldn't," Ginny hissed and the elf smirked even wider, knowing that he had caught them in the act and now had the upper hand.

"Come on, you grumpy git. We haven't done anything to you," Fred brought his wand out from his back pocket and was about the hex Kreacher, only to have the elf click his fingers and disappear in a thin dust.

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