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An Order meeting was held the day before everyone was set to return to Hogwarts. Christmas had passed but the snow had continued to pile up on the porch and on the streets of London. Everyone in Grimmauld Place had bundled up in beanies and scarves, the Weasley jumpers coming in handy with their extensive warmth. Kreacher had been left to shiver in his den after being caught muttering to himself in Harry and Ron's room. It wouldn't have been that much of an issue but it was the fact that it was three in the morning at the time, and woke Ron with a start at the elf's ugly face being inches from his.

Sitting in the kitchen on the cold night was the Order of Phoenix with the addition of Blair. She was sure that everyone was upstairs with an Extendable Ear waiting for the meeting to begin. It made her uncomfortable to know that all the adults in the room will be asking her excessive questions on the potion that had become more popular than the invention of Fudge Flies, as well as her friends listening outside. Audiences weren't her preference when speaking and barely was able to keep a conversation going with one of her friends, much less a group of people she barely knew. She was continuously pulling at her Weasley jumper (to which she had worn every day over her usual black attire since Christmas) from nervous habit and allowed her attention to be on Molly, who was the only one she felt relaxed with. It was lucky that she had been seated opposite her, giving her the relief of not having to see the bulging eye of Mad-eye Moody or the scowling face of Professor Snape.

"Now Blair, we hear that you made this potion for the effects of the Blood Quill that Umbridge has been using, correct?" Remus Lupin asked; his voice warm and trying in making the girl feel comfortable enough to talk.

"Yes," she forced out, her eyes shifting from Molly to the man who had briefly taught her in fifth year.

"And did you use any resources for a recipe?" Kingsley Shacklebolt questioned.

"Yes," she said again. "Only a basic one for healing potions."

"Then what else did you add to it?" Professor Snape raised an eyebrow. Blair wasn't sure if he was angry that she had used his ingredients, but she was sure that he had been surprised to say the least to hear that she was the reason why specific herbs and elixirs had been mediocre at best in his classroom.

"Erm Murtlap essence... lionfish spine... stewed Mandrake leaves I think?"

"Interesting," Arthur stroked his clean-shaven chin, his gaze thoughtful and narrow. "Did you let it simmer for specific amount of time? Did you get any of the ingredients during the full moon?"

"No it was all just... ordinary?" Blair cringed at her undescriptive explanation. "I've always been good at Potions class, so maybe it has just brewed from there..."

"Yes, I'd say the elaborate teaching of Snivellius has helped you greatly," Sirius laughed and Snape whipped around to the man with an evil glare.

"Is that the tone of admiration, Black, or the tone of mocking?" He raised a greasy brow and Sirius could be seen holding the snarkiest of comments in.

"What we'd like to discuss with you,-" Mad-eye Moody cut in with his gruff voice halting the brewing argument. "-Rosier, is to be the Order's personal potioneer. We could use some of your skills for not only the healing potion that saved Arthur, but other vital concoctions."

"Only if you want to, dear. There is no rush to join if you're not ready," Molly reassured and sent a piercing gaze to Moody who looked hostile to the suggestion.

"It's better to know that you are under the protection of the Order sooner rather than later," Remus spoke again, bringing the calm and caring tone back into the conversation. His scarred face smiled back at Blair and if he were to still be her teacher, he would have been promoted to her favourite teacher of all time. Just above Professor Flitwick, who lacked the caring and kind aura that Remus carried constantly.

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