Nathanette :)

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Nathaniel: I was walking in the halls with Alix, talking about my newest comic when I ran into someone due to me not watching where I was going. I opened my eyes and immediately flushed with red. The girl that I fell on was MARINETTE HERSELF!!!! (OMG, I JUST FELL ON TOP OF MARINETTE!!! SHE HATES ME NOW!! I JUST KNOW IT!!!!!)《Embarrassed》*Blushing madness* "OMG MARINETTE, I'M SO SORRY!!! I WASN'T WATCHING WHERE I WAS GOING AND I JUST- AND YOU...THE...JUST, AHHH!!!! I'M SO SO SOOO SORRY MARINETTE!!!!" I immediately got off of her and picked up my things and ran off, blushing the whole way.

Alix: I was talking with Nathaniel, asking him about his newest comic when suddenly he fell over on top of none other then Marinette herself. (Oh great, ruin my chances again why doncha) Salty much? XD
Then all of a sudden, the shy tomato yelled out words, very embarrassed then ran off after grabbing his drawings. I thought to run off after him but right as I was about to, I was stopped by the placement of a hand on my right shoulder. It was none other then the tomato stealing ravenette herself.

Marinette: After Nathaniel knocked me over, he shouted something then picked up his drawings and ran off. Alix was about to run off after him but I stopped her by placing a hand on her right shoulder. I spoke to her with a calm voice. "I think it's best that I go and talk to him. Besides, I'm usually late anyways so you go on ahead. I'll be in class in a bit Alix." With that I ran off to hunt down the sad, flustered tomato head.

[10 minutes later]

Marinette: After 10 minutes of searching I finally managed to find him sitting in front of the art room with his head in his knees. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Nathaniel...are you okay....?" I asked with a bit of worry in my voice. All I got was a thumbs up in response. I was not going to have this right now. (He's going to look at me and we're going to talk. I need an explanation about that whole situation back there.) I grabbed his shoulders and lifted them up. Then I grabbed his face which was very warm and I pulled it to where we were face to face with each other. *Blushing slightly* "Nathaniel...what's wrong....please...tell can trust me." I spoke with sincerity in my voice.

Nathaniel: When I ran off I went to the art room but unfortunately for me in was stilled locked so I just sat down by the door. I layed my head in my knees and groaned. About 10 minutes later I hear someone say my name. It sounded like... (Marinette? Why did she come to find me instead of going to class?) I tried not to look too much into it. I heard her ask me if I was okay but my face was still very flustered so I just gave a thumbs up in response so that she didn't see just how red I was behind all of my hair. But just then I felt my shoulders get pulled up and I blushed a bit at this. Then suddenly I felt a pair of silky smooth, soft hands grab my face and not even a minute later I was face to face with the love of my life. *Blushing hard core* "'s.... girl I like....I know she doesn't like me back but I really like her...I...I don't know what to do.... I need help...." I asked the girl I was talking about about how to ask out my crush which WAS her!

Don't worry guys, she ends up with Luka at the end of the fanfiction 😉. This other stuff is just for drama and tension and what not. Sort of like a love triangle or a love pentagon. Mari, Alix, Nath, Luka and Adrien. Anyways, back to the story.

Marinette: After what seemed like forever Nathaniel finally spoke. To my surprise he needed help with a love issue. (Wow, I'm going through the same thing. I think I know how I can help him.) So, I spoke helpful words of advice to the red headed teen. "Well, believe it or not I'm going through the same thing as well. What I'm starting to do is learn to move onto someone else. It will take awhile but you'll get there. Probably best to move onto someone you know well. Like a best friend or something like that." I finished my advice as I waited for his response.

Nathaniel: I heard her speak and say that she was going through the same situation herself. Then she gave me very helpful information. I blushed at the last bit of advice because when she said "move onto someone else like a best friend or something like that" I automatically thought of Alix. I shook the feelings away and stayed focused. I smiled and responded. "Thanks Marinette. This really helped me out a lot." Then without thinking I just hugged her. *Blushing* (What are you doing you red headed idiot!? Why did you hug her you weirdo!) I quickly released from the hug and we stood there, staring at each other.

Marinette: I heard that my advice had helped him out a lot and that made me happy to hear. Then out of nowhere he just hugged me. I have to admit that it did feel nice regardless that it caught me off guard...way off guard... but it felt nice nonetheless. Then it ended soon after.

Nathaniel: After I ended the hug I realized the time and I had to get to my next period with Alix. "Oh shoot, I have to get to Gym class with Alix! Bye Marinette, thanks for the talk!!!" With that I ran off, not taking a second glance behind me.

Marinette: I realized that I had to get to my next class as well. I ran to my next period in hopes that I won't be late.

Sorry for the short chapter. Also it was a bit rushed and I didn't have that much motivation or ideas. I started writing this part at like 4:30 am and it's now 5:23 am so don't judge my tired writing. I promise to make the next chapter longer I might update it when I wake up later, Idk.
Peace out Fronnie Fans 😄😄😄

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