Chapter Forty-two: Always

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Always.... That was my response every time I got asked how long I'd love Nova. It was always along the lines of 'Forever', and even 'For infinity'..... Though, what happens when those feelings just go 'poof'? I still love her, but she will never ever love me...... So this is why people don't want to fall in love? It just ends up hurting in the end when you have to leave them, or they have to leave you. It makes me so happy that she's happy.... I'm just over jealous over things, but in the end I'm happy that these things happen to her. So it's over, isn't it? I can still love you, but I have to move on? That will hurt, and I already know it...... It's hard when looking at others to not compare.You're sweet but she was sweeter, You're so caring,but she was more caring I love your smile and laugh,but her smile and her laugh....

Her laugh and smile always made me laugh and smile

It filled me with so much happiness

And love for her

Every hug made me want another

I can't help but slip

Deeper and deeper

That laugh

That smile

Her hair

Her hand on mine

I'll miss it all


Still I love you

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