after the endgame

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hey guys! this is my one shot book for when i'm bored...don't expect updates daily but ill try... 😳 ty love you bye!

life wasn't the same without iron man.
it wasn't the same without the original six.

steve retired to be with peggy, clint was spending most of his time with his family, and thor and bruce stayed traveling the world together.

the avengers tower was quite most of the time. so quite it drove pepper insane. taking care of morgan herself was hard. well, carol helped her sometimes but then she'd have to go up to space for work.
but that was just pepper.

queens new york hadn't seen spider-man for the last two weeks. may and happy were hurting just seeing peter staying in his room the whole day, only coming out to use the bathroom and grab an occasional snack. hell, may couldn't remember the last time peter had a real meal. she tried to convince him to eat, and he had tried. but he couldn't bring himself to do it. he felt like all the energy in him had been drained. his suit was stuffed in his closet. every time he would even so glance at it he would break down and just sob.

he knew tony wouldn't want him to carry on like this. peter tried, he really did. he went to school the day after but drifted in his own thoughts. ned and mj were comforting him the whole day. the teachers went easy on him also, but he didn't want that. it made him feel weak.

and now he was walking through the doors of the avengers tower, happy by his side.

he tried his best to keep walking and to not break down right then and there.

wanda came to greet them. "hello, happy. hello, peter," she said and smiled. peter smiled back, well, tried to.

"how you guys been? it's been a while," she asked the two.

"it's been okay. could be better," happy replied. "peter? why don't you take a walk with wanda. help clear head."

peter nodded and wanda smiled softly as she placed a hand on his shoulder leading him through the tower.

none of them talked. wanda knew how hard it was for peter. it was hard for her too. she had lost many people she cared about also.

"do you miss her?"

wanda stopped and looked at peter in shock. she knew exactly who he was talking about.

"yes. of course i miss her. every second of the day," wanda said calmly. "but she's doing better now. she can't get hurt anymore."

peter felt the sudden urge to hug wanda. but she hugged him first.

"they're okay now. they can rest. all of them can," she said to him. peter felt a tear slip down his face.

she pulled away lightly and looked him in the eyes. "but new york needs spiderman. they need you, peter."

peter shook his and looked at the ground causing more tears to fall. "i can't. i-i cant."

"peter, i believe in you. we all do," she said. "tony did. and now you have to believe in your self. he would've wanted that."

peter knew she was right.

new york needed spiderman.
new york needed him.

and now he just remembered the words happy told him.

"tony second guessed everything he did, but the one thing he didn't second guess was picking you."

tony had never second guessed him.
tony was the first one who ever believed he could be spiderman.
and tony was the first avenger who didn't see him as just a teenager.

he looked up at wanda, tears staining his cheeks.

"you're right," he said.
"new york needs spiderman. new york needs me."

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