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HELLO EVERYONE! this is going to be a love, victor chapter which will include spoilers. but!!! please please make sure to go watch it on hulu it is so good and victors story is definitely one i relate to. hope youll check it out but enjoy this chapter!


"mom, dad, im gay."

i did it. i came out to my parents. and my sister pilar.

but suddenly i regret it. i regret everything. my dads eyebrows furrow, almost as if hes in disgust. my mom isnt even looking me im the eyes and i could feel my own eyes start to water.

pilar seems shocked. i think shes having trouble finding words.

my voice cracks slightly as i speak up. "i- im still me you know. a-and if you cant accept that-," i cut off, biting my lip, anger building up inside me. "if you cant accept that...just know that would make you a really shitty family."

i turn around and rush to my room and slam the door as tears start to roll down my face. i throw myself onto my bed and a few short seconds after i hear a light knock.

"victor...its pilar. can i come in?"

i don't respond but she walks in anyway and sits down beside me.

"hey..." she starts.

i sit up. "you dont hate me? do you?" i ask her as i fidget with my hands.

"victor. look at me," pilar says and i slowly look up to meet her gaze. "i could never hate you. especially for being gay. what kind of sister would that make me? i know we dont always play nice with eachother but thats what siblings are for right? im always here for you, i love you. no matter what."

pilar embraces me in a hug and i just let it all out. i still dont know what my parents think of me but that doesnt matter right now. 

we pull apart and i wipe my tears. "thank you, pilar," i say with a shaky voice. a light knock at my door startles us and i look to see my mom.

"i'll uh...head out," pilar says and heads out the door as my mom takes her seat beside me.

she takes a deep breath. here it comes.

"victor... mi hijo," she starts. "i can only imagine how hard that must've been for you. i- i dont know how i didnt notice the signs sorry. i shouldve known, victor."

i look at her, surprised. "youre...youre not mad? o-or disappointed in me?"

"what?" she says with a look of despair on her face. "victor, my love, why would i be disappointed? i'll admit, i dont know much about this gay stuff and i was tought at a young age that it was wrong. i know now doesnt matter who you love. all that matters is that you are who you are, and that youre happy."

i let out a shaky breath. "what about dad?"

she holds onto my hand. "i dont know, sweetie. it- it might take him some time to...i dont know...get used to it i guess. just know he loves you so much. and i do too." she kisses my knuckles and pulls me in for a hug.

dear simon,

i finally did it. i came out to my family. well- apart from my little brother adrian, i dont think i need to do that just yet. but all in all, it went better than i expected. my sister, pilar, handled it very well. and my mom, surprisingly did too. although i think she still needs some time to process it. and for my dad, well, he isnt yelling slurs at me or kicking me out of the house, so that's good i guess. i also need to make amends with mia. i guess ill update you on that another time. but thank you, simon. thank you for helping me figure this out, i couldnt have done it without you.

love, victor

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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