Part 2

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-Ash's POV-
About 10 minutes later, I arrive outside Squid's. I pull down my sleeves so he doesn't see the scars on my wrists, step out the car and knock on the door. Squid then arrives at the door, hugs me and we both go into the living room.
-Squid's POV-
I wait and see a car pulling into my drive way. It's Ash. I hear a knock on the door so I go downstairs and answer it. I open the door and let Ash in, hug him then we go into the living room. I notice something on Ash's wrists. "What's on your wrist, Ash?" I ask him. He doesn't respond, he just looks at me.
-Ash's POV-
'Oh shit! He noticed the scars!! How the fuck do I explain to Squid? Eh... Think Ash, think! Wait. This is a good time to tell him I was self harming because I was being bullied for being gay and fancying boys.' I think to myself. "Nothing..." I say. "Are you sure you're okay?" Squid asks me. "I just don't feel well." I respond with, but he doesn't take that and knows that something else is going on. "Ash, look. I'm you're best friend, you can tell me anything and everything." he says, so I take the chance. "Erm... Well... It's because... It's because I'm... I'm gay." I says, starting to cry. Squid doesn't say anything, he just pulls me closer for a hug. "Squid?" I say, looking at Squid. "Yeah?" he responds back. "I need to confess something but I'm scared to say it in case it breaks our friendship... I've been wanting to say it for a few months but I've never had the courage to..." I take a short break. "I have a crush on you..." I say and start to cry again.
-Squid's POV-
Ash realises I've noticed the scars and pulls his sleeves down. I ask him if he's okay and he responds back with saying he doesn't feel well. I don't believe him so I tell him that he can tell me anything. He starts to cry and says that he's gay. I don't say anything, I just pull him closer for a hug. He says my name so I pull back slightly, and he says that he has a crush on me. I'm shook for a second, but I knew something wasn't right with Ash. At least he was honest. He starts crying so I pull him closer again to hug him. I can feel something hard against my leg... I don't know what came over me but I kissed my best friend. I kissed Ash. The first time I've kissed a boy that isn't in my family.
-Ash's POV-
Squid pulled me closer. I was erecting for Squid, oh fuckkkkk! He then look at me for a second and his face got closer and our lips touched. We kissed. I've been waiting for that for years and years. It finally happen. Oh my.

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