Part 4

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-David's POV-
Once we're out the car, we go upstairs into my bedroom and lie on my bed. I'm on Instagram and Ash is on his laptop editing a video for his channel. I start to get slightly thirsty so I ask Ash if he wants a drink. He replies with a 'yes' so I head downstairs into the kitchen and grab two glasses. I turn around to open the fridge to get the 2 litre bottle of Coca-Cola but as I do, I slip and twist my ankle. It hurts a little bit but I just ignore it. It's probably just a little sprain like you normally get in PE after running or walking too fast. I try to walk on it but I can't. It's starting to hurt more. I limp to a chair and check my ankle - it's red. I start to get slight pins and needles. "ASH!" I shout up the stairs. I hear him running down the stairs to check on me. "What's up?" he asks me as he noticed me holding my ankle in pain. "I turned round to get the Coca-Cola, slipped and badly twisted my ankle. It really hurts." I tell him. He looks really concerned.
-Ash's POV-
It's a few hours later and me and David are in his house in his bedroom. I open the lid of my laptop and open After Effects to continue editing my video that's due on YouTube in a couple hours. David asks me if I want a drink, I respond with yes so he heads downstairs while I continue to edit. I hear the fridge open and close then a massive bang. It goes quiet then I hear him shout my name so I instantly jump off the bed and down the stairs to the kitchen to find David on the kitchen floor holding his ankle in pain. "I slipped when I turned and hit my ankle off the side of the chair." I instantly grab his phone and call 999.
-David's POV-
About 15 minutes later, I hear sirens getting louder and louder until I eventually see an ambulance outside. Ash goes to open the door and two paramedics walk over to me. One starts looking and feeling at my ankle while the other asks me questions. I explain to them what happened and I notice my ankle getting more and more swollen. The paramedics start to get concerned, so does Ash. "Can you move your ankle to the left?" I try to but I can't. "Can you move your ankle to the right?" Again, I try to but I can't. One of the paramedics sighs, looks at the other paramedic and says, "we're going to have to take you to hospital to get an urgent x-ray to see if you've broken any bones or if you've sprained anything." I hear a knock on the door and Ash goes to answer it. It's Tom. "Oi, oi. What's 'appened 'ere then?" he asks. "I slipped and badly twisted my ankle." I respond. "Ouch. You alright?" he asks me. "Besides my ankle, yeah. I'm fine." I respond with. One of the paramedics grabs a stretcher and one side while the other grabs the other side and tells me to lie on it. It's probably because I can't walk. I lie on the stretcher and they take me into the ambulance and drive me to hospital.
-Ash's POV-
I phone for an ambulance and eventually there is an ambulance outside. I go to open the door and two paramedics walk through the door into the kitchen. A few minutes later, David has to lie on a stretcher. There's a knock on the door so I go and answer it - it's Tom. I see one of the paramedics grabbing a stretcher and putting David's ankle on it. His ankle, he and bottom of his foot are swollen. They put him into the ambulance and drive him to hospital. Me and Tom jump into my car and drive to hospital as fast as possible.
-David's POV-
We eventually arrive at hospital and I'm instantly rushed to a ward. They put a few wires into my arm and start feeling my ankle to feel if any bones are 'loose'. They then tell me that Tom and Ash are in the relatives room waiting. They ask me if they want them to come in. I say then so then Ash and Tom come in to see me. "How you doing, bro?" Tom asks me, looking at my ankle. "In a lot of pain. They said they're going to do a scan of my ankle, or whole foot, to see if anything is broken or fractured," I respond with. A few minutes later, a nurse comes in. "Okay David, what we're going to do is get a scan of your foot to see if any bones are fractured or broken. Looking by the bruise here and swolleness, it looks like you've sprained your ankle because you said you couldn't walk but we won't know fully until we get the scan done and get the results," they tell me.
-Ash's POV-
Me and Tom arrive at the hospital car park and I park. We walk to reception and I ask where David is. He says to take the elevator to the third floor so we do and eventually find the relatives room. We wait there for a few minutes then a nurse comes through and lets us through to see him. Tom still doesn't know about me and David having sex and kissing and all that, he just thinks we're best friends. We don't know when, or if, we'll tell him. I mean, he's David's brother. "Tom?" I say, looking at Tom. "Yeah?" he replies with. "I need to tell you something outside... Can we go out quickly?" He nods so we both go outside into the car park. "What's up?" Tom asks me as he notices me getting nervous and slightly sweating and shaking. "I'm scared to say this to you cause I haven't told anyone. Please don't be mad..." I say while almost starting to cry. "Well... me and David have both been really upset from breaking up with Izzy and Nicole and are really happy when we're together and... well... a few days ago we.. eh... we kissed and done something more. I won't go into detail..." Tom just looks at me, wait a second then says, "So... are you two officially together?" he asks. "Yeah," I reply with.
-David's POV-
A few minutes later, I see Ash and Tom talking and go outside then a doctor comes in and say they have the results. "Okay David, the x-ray results show that you've broken a bone in your index toe, ankle and the top of your foot. What I'm going to do is put an oil on your foot, get a plaster for your foot and get some crutches for you." I look at them and ask, "How long will I have the plaster cast on for?". They reply with 6 weeks. "How's the pain in a scale of one to ten?" the doctor asks me. "About a 7 or an 8," I say in a lot of pain. "I thought it was just going to be a little sprain or something, not breaking three or four bones." The doctor looks at me then goes into a room and grabs two crutches and a long bit of plaster. Ash and Tom come back and Ash has a slightly red face. "I told Tom," Ash whispers to me. That's probably why his face is red - probably due to crying. The doctor comes back and wraps the middle of my foot up in plaster and the rest in a light padding. I try to use the crutches, it's hard because I've never used them before but Tom helps me. Once I'm slightly used to them, we're allowed to go home so we all go in Ash's car.
-Ash's POV-
We go back inside to check on David to see a doctor putting his foot in plaster and light padding. Once he's got his foot sorted, he's allowed to go home, but he's struggling because she's never used the crutches before so we have to guide him slightly and steady him to the car. Once we're in the car, we drive to David's favourite Chinese. David being the typical David he is, he goes for his usual sweet and sticky chicken bites with white rice. Once we've got our favourites, we drive back home and enjoy our food.
-David's POV-
A few minutes later, Ash surprises me by driving to my favourite Chinese. Ash being the best friend and boyfriend he is, he buys me my favourite which is sweet and sticky chicken bites with white rice. I think, to be completely honest, I love Ash. I love him more than I loved Nicole... I mean... he's hot, he has my trust, I can tell him everything and anything and he has a good sized dick to say the least, but we won't be having sex for a while... I make eye-contact with Ash but I quickly look away and so does he. I look at thin again and I feel my dick getting hard again. I start to not feel well. I tell Ton and I drink the rest of my Pepsi. I then check the weather in my phone and it's says it's 28 degrees (celsius). The doorbell goes and I ask Tom to answer the door. "Ash, can you get me some water please?" I shout to Ash. I hear a familiar voice so I turn my head to look at the door and see my mum and dad. "Hi Mum! Hi Dad!" I shout to them, hoping they hear me. My mum walks through to the living room to see me on the sofa with a plaster on my foot. "You alright sweetie?" she asks me as she kisses me on the cheek. "Ehh... I've been better I guess." I respond with. I start to feel even more ill and start to get a headache. "Ash, I really don't feel well," I whisper in Ash's ear.

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