Chapter 7: The Job

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Mimmi had gone out to check out the Marine Park with Rita today, so Ondina, Sirena, and I went to the Cafe to look at some of the new clothes at Evie's shop. After some looking around, Mimmi found us and she, along with Sirena, found some dresses to try on. Sirena was the first to come out, and the dress looked so cute on her.

"You look great!" I told her.

Mimmi came out later with her dress. "How's this?" She asked.

"That was made for you." Evie says, "You have to buy it."

"You're selling it. You have to say that." Ondina says.

"I don't have this much money." Mimmi says after checking the tag on the dress.

"Let me buy it for you." Sirena offers. "I have money from my singing."

"I can't let you do that."

"I'd be happy to."

"No. I want to pay my own way. Maybe I should get a job." Mimmi finally states

"Shouldn't be that hard to find you one." Evie says.

"Please!" Ondina says, "A job means working with land people. You wouldn't last five minutes."

"I think I can handle it." Mimmi responds.

"I think that's wishful thinking."

There was a bit of an awkward silence before Sirena paid for her dress and Mimmi changed back and returned the other dress to Evie.

~The Very Next Morning~

I had just woken up back at the Moon Pool after a nice night, when I noticed that Mimmi wasn't here.

"Where's Mimmi?" Ondina asked, also noticing.

"I don't know." Sirena says.

"Should we look for her? Maybe she went out for a swim." I say, and the three of us went to search. However, none of us could find her, so we decided to head out to the Grotto and ask Rita.

"We couldn't find her anywhere." Sirena says.

"It's not like Mimmi to swim off like that and not tell us where she's going." Ondina adds.

"Mimmi's fine." Rita says, "I saw her earlier."

"Where'd she go?" I asked.

"I'm surprised she didn't tell you." Rita says.

"Tell us what?" Ondina asked.

"She got a job at the Marine Park." Rita tells us, and we immediately headed out to find her. Sure enough, there she was, selling plushies.

"Mimmi, what are you doing here?" Ondina asked.

"Working." Mimmi says. "I don't know why you were so worried. This job thing is way easier than I thought."

"There are plenty of places you could've got a job. But no, you had to choose the wettest one." Ondina says.

"Ondina's right." Sirena says, "It's too dangerous."

"I hate to agree, but it is risky." I add. "Can't you get a job somewhere else?"

"Like where?" Mimmi asks

"How does 'anywhere but here' sound?" Ondina asks.

Suddenly, Sirena and I get distracted by the dolphin plushies.

"These dolphins are so cute!" Sirena says, picking one up. "How much?"

"They really are adorable." I add, picking one up and giving it a squeeze. The plushie then made an odd dolphin sound. "Did it seriously just say 'my pet salmon punched a shark?' That's odd."

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