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"Hey that's my shirt!" I say to my little sister, Destani, as she's walking out of my room with my shirt in her hand.

"So?" she says in a snobby tone.

"Um, stop stealing my stuff and give me my shirt, you're so annoying!" I say.

"No! You can't make me," she sticks her tongue out at me, "and you're more annoying"

Destani is only 11 years old but she thinks she's like 16, so she always goes in my room and steals my things without asking.

"Yes I can because I'm older than you", I replay.

"That doesn't matter!"

"Yes it does", I say as I try to snatch my shirt from her.

Unfortunately, she has a really good grip on my shirt, so we're basically playing tug of war with my shirt.

"Let go!" I shout angrily

"Nope," she smirks.

"It's my shirt, Destani!"

"I don't care!" she yells at me.

"You're going to rip it, just let go of it!"


"Yes!" I pull tighter but she has too good of a grip on it.

"No!" she pulls tighter.

"Come on! Just let go, it's going to rip!" I shout at her as I pull harder.

"Fine", she suddenly releases her grip on my shirt.

Since I wasn't expecting that, I fall backwards and hit my head on the wall behind me.

"Ow!" I scream in pain.

"Oops", she smirks.

That was my breaking point.

"Ugh! I wish you were never born, you're such an annoying brat!" I yell at her in a mix of anger from the fight and tears from the fall.

"I can't believe that you sad that, Alyana!" she has tears in her eyes, "I just want to be like you."

She runs down the stairs and I hear the front door slam. Immediately, I fill with guilt and regret because I really didn't mean what I just said to her.

After about a minute, I get up and decide to run after her.

When I walk out of the front door, I look to my left and see Destani running a few blocks ahead of me. I run after her, but I can't catch up to her, she's too far ahead of me.

"Destani stop!" I shout after her.

She doesn't stop or even turn her head. Either she can't hear me, or she's ignoring me. Suddenly, she turns a corner and I can see her. It takes me a few minutes to reach the corner but when I do, I see her about two blocks ahead.

Out of nowhere, a white minivan pulls up next to her. I'm very confused and suspicious. The windows are tinted to I can see who's in the car, but Destani is talking to the driver. About a second late, a woman opens the side door, gets out, and grabs my sister. She is clearly trying to pull her into the car. I run faster, my racing.

"Stop! That's my sister!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Help!" I hear Destani scream over and over again. She is kicking and screaming, trying to get away.

I fun faster, but still not fast enough.

"Destani! Keep fighting I'm almost there!", I scream.

Just as Destani turns her head and looks at me, the women pulls her in, closes the door, and the minivan speeds away. Knowing there no way I could catch the minivan, I pull out my cell phone and call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator asks.

"Someone kidnapped my sister and they just took her and drove away please help me", I say very fast, my breathing heavy and my heart pounding with fear.

"Okay just calm down sweetie. I need your location.,"

I look around for a street sign and see one.

"Springtown road in Huntsville please help!" I manage to say through the tears.

"Okay, police are on their way"

I am now uncontrollably sobbing, I can barely breath because my hear is racing so fast with fear and anxiety; I am panicking. I sit on the curb and try to calm myself down a little bit while I wait for the police.

Saving DestaniWhere stories live. Discover now