New Plans

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Todoroki POV
"Okay so all you know are two people who go by the name of Shigaraki and Kurogiri? Is that all?" The interrogator asked. Of course! Izuka was there aswell!

But I cant tell them that they 1. Wouldn't believe me. 2. They would find her easily for they have public files on her. 3. That's not the real Izuka, she would be arrested for no real reason!

"Yes that's all that I know." I said plainly. "Are you sure?" I was getting impatient. "Yes that's all I know!" I mildly yelled. "Alright then, you may leave now." She said.

I then got up and left. As I walked home I kept my mind on Izuka. Those red eyes though...I hadn't realized where I had walk to until I looked up. I was infront of Izuka's house. Mrs. Inko hadn't moved since Izuka went missing. Occasionally I visit to say hi but today...maybe I should...

Inko POV
I was sitting on the couch sipping my tea when the doorbell rang. I put my tea down on the coffee table and went to open the door. To my surprise it was Todoroki.

"Todoroki it's good to see you again. Come in, come in. How are you?" Todoroki then came inside. "I'm good, but I wanted to check and see you." He said.

"Oh I'm fine dear." We continued to talk and soon enough we got to the topic of my baby...Izuka. It turns out that he hadn't lost hope yet. I haven't either. I then remembered something. "Wait here." I went to Izuka's room were there was a box on her bed. I picked it up and gave it to Todoroki.

"The day Izuka went missing, she wasn't wearing her favorite gloves like she always did. She didn't care that they were big on her even though they were adult gloves. I was washing them that day. So I wanted you to have them. It's all I can do."

He opened them to find a pair of good condition gloves that were artic blue with golden trim. He looked at them for a moment the walked towards me and gave me a hug. "Thank you." He said. "Your welcome, now run along its getting late."

We said our goodbye and Todoroki walked out with a pair of artic blue and golden gloves on his hands.

Midoriya POV
As I walked around town, I thought of that stupid memory I had earlier. It got me thinking hard but nothing came to mind. I had no bestfriends. I only know the League of Villains and Father but that was all. I needed a stronger plan to damage the image of heros and U.A.

I didn't know what to do so I just when back to the bar. Maybe a nights rest will help me brainstorm...

Todoroki POV
After I finished training with my father, which I've gotten better at, I went to my bed. I laid down but I was not ready to fall asleep. Across my bed was my bookshelf. There was this one book however that caught my attention:

Quirk Spells and Effects.

I didn't know but I had an feeling to read it. I grabbed it and started reading. I then got to a section that caught my eye, Memory Edits. I read into it and everything came into view..

There are many quirks that have to deal with editing memories but they all have the same effects, the persons memories are now altered, they will go of based on their memories and their eyes will now be a blood red.

Thats... it...shes under a memory edit quirk... I continued to read and found a potion that can reverse the effects but it will take a month or two to complete.

I had to call Bakugo and the others. I'll meet them tomorrow its Saturday after all. But still this will change everything we know. I might be able to get her back...

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